Source code for

import os
import shutil
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import h5py
import MEAutility as mu
import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import scipy.signal as ss
import yaml
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from lazy_ops import DatasetView
from packaging.version import parse
from quantities import Quantity

from . import __version__ as mearec_version

if parse(yaml.__version__) >= parse("5.0.0"):
    use_loader = True
    use_loader = False

def safe_yaml_load(yaml_file):
    with open(yaml_file, "r") as f:
        if use_loader:
            data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
            data = yaml.load(f)
    return data

[docs]def get_default_config(print_version=False): """ Returns default_info and mearec_home path. Returns ------- default_info : dict Default_info from config file mearec_path : str Mearec home path """ this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) this_dir = Path(this_dir) home = Path(os.path.expanduser("~")) mearec_home = home / ".config" / "mearec" version_folder = mearec_home / mearec_version if print_version: print(f"MEArec version: {mearec_version}\n") if not mearec_home.is_dir(): mearec_home.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if not (version_folder / "mearec.conf").is_file(): version_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.copytree(str(this_dir / "default_params"), str(version_folder / "default_params")) shutil.copytree(str(this_dir / "cell_models"), str(version_folder / "cell_models")) default_info = { "templates_params": str(version_folder / "default_params" / "templates_params.yaml"), "recordings_params": str(version_folder / "default_params" / "recordings_params.yaml"), "templates_folder": str(version_folder / "templates"), "recordings_folder": str(version_folder / "recordings"), "cell_models_folder": str(version_folder / "cell_models" / "bbp"), } with (version_folder / "mearec.conf").open("w") as f: yaml.dump(default_info, f) else: default_info = safe_yaml_load(version_folder / "mearec.conf") return default_info, str(mearec_home)
[docs]def get_default_cell_models_folder(): """ Returns default cell models folder. Returns ------- cell_models_folder : str Path to default cell models folder """ default_info, mearec_home = get_default_config() cell_models_folder = default_info["cell_models_folder"] return cell_models_folder
[docs]def get_default_templates_params(): """ Returns default templates parameters. Returns ------- templates_params : dict Dictionary with default teplates parameters """ default_info, mearec_home = get_default_config() templates_params_file = default_info["templates_params"] # load template parameters templates_params = safe_yaml_load(templates_params_file) return templates_params
[docs]def get_default_recordings_params(): """ Returns default recordings parameters. Returns ------- recordings_params : dict Dictionary with default recording parameters """ default_info, mearec_home = get_default_config() recordings_params_file = default_info["recordings_params"] # load template parameters recordings_params = safe_yaml_load(recordings_params_file) return recordings_params
def get_default_drift_dict(): return { "drift_mode_speed": "slow", "drift_mode_probe": "rigid", "drift_fs": 100, "non_rigid_gradient_mode": "linear", "non_rigid_linear_direction": 1, "non_rigid_step_depth_boundary": None, "non_rigid_step_factors": None, "slow_drift_velocity": 5, "slow_drift_amplitude": None, "slow_drift_waveform": "triangluar", "fast_drift_period": 10, "fast_drift_max_jump": 20, "fast_drift_min_jump": 5, "t_start_drift": None, "t_end_drift": None, "external_drift_vector_um": None, "external_drift_times": None, "external_drift_factors": None, } def available_probes(): """ Returns list of available probes Returns ------- probe_list : list List of available probes in MEAutility """ return mu.return_mea_list() ### LOAD FUNCTIONS ### def load_tmp_eap(templates_folder, celltypes=None, samples_per_cat=None, verbose=False): """ Loads EAP from temporary folder. Parameters ---------- templates_folder : str Path to temporary folder celltypes : list (optional) List of celltypes to be loaded samples_per_cat : int (optional) The number of eap to load per category Returns ------- templates : np.array Templates (n_eap, n_elec, n_sample) locations : np.array Locations (n_eap, 3) rotations : np.array Rotations (n_eap, 3) celltypes : np.array Cell types (n_eap) """ if verbose: print("Loading eap data ...") templates_folder = Path(templates_folder) eaplist = [f for f in templates_folder.iterdir() if"eap")] loclist = [f for f in templates_folder.iterdir() if"pos")] rotlist = [f for f in templates_folder.iterdir() if"rot")] eap_list = [] loc_list = [] rot_list = [] cat_list = [] eaplist = sorted(eaplist) loclist = sorted(loclist) rotlist = sorted(rotlist) loaded_categories = set() ignored_categories = set() for idx, f in enumerate(eaplist): celltype =[-1].split("-")[1][:-4] if verbose: print("loading cell type: ", f) if celltypes is not None: if celltype in celltypes: eaps = np.load(str(eaplist[idx]), mmap_mode="r") locs = np.load(str(loclist[idx])) rots = np.load(str(rotlist[idx])) if samples_per_cat is None or samples_per_cat > len(eaps): samples_to_read = len(eaps) else: samples_to_read = samples_per_cat eap_list.extend(eaps[:samples_to_read]) rot_list.extend(rots[:samples_to_read]) loc_list.extend(locs[:samples_to_read]) cat_list.extend([celltype] * samples_to_read) loaded_categories.add(celltype) else: ignored_categories.add(celltype) else: eaps = np.load(str(eaplist[idx]), mmap_mode="r") locs = np.load(str(loclist[idx])) rots = np.load(str(rotlist[idx])) if samples_per_cat is None or samples_per_cat > len(eaps): samples_to_read = len(eaps) else: samples_to_read = samples_per_cat eap_list.extend(eaps[:samples_to_read]) rot_list.extend(rots[:samples_to_read]) loc_list.extend(locs[:samples_to_read]) cat_list.extend([celltype] * samples_to_read) loaded_categories.add(celltype) if len(eap_list) > 0: all_eaps = np.lib.format.open_memmap(templates_folder / "all_eaps.npy", mode="w+", dtype=eaps[0].dtype, shape=(len(eap_list), *eap_list[0].shape)) for i in range(len(eap_list)): all_eaps[i, ...] = eap_list[i] else: all_eaps = np.array([]) if verbose: print("Done loading spike data ...") return all_eaps, np.array(loc_list), np.array(rot_list), np.array(cat_list, dtype=str)
[docs]def load_templates(templates, return_h5_objects=True, verbose=False, check_suffix=True): """ Load generated eap templates. Parameters ---------- templates : str or Path object templates file return_h5_objects : bool If True output objects are h5 objects verbose : bool If True output is verbose check_suffix : bool If True, hdf5 suffix is checked Returns ------- tempgen : TemplateGenerator TemplateGenerator object """ from MEArec import TemplateGenerator if verbose: print("Loading templates...") temp_dict = {} templates = Path(templates) if (templates.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"]) or (not check_suffix): f = h5py.File(str(templates), "r") info = load_dict_from_hdf5(f, "info/") celltypes = np.array(f.get("celltypes")) temp_dict["celltypes"] = np.array([c.decode("utf-8") for c in celltypes]) if return_h5_objects: temp_dict["locations"] = f.get("locations") else: temp_dict["locations"] = np.array(f.get("locations")) if return_h5_objects: temp_dict["rotations"] = f.get("rotations") else: temp_dict["rotations"] = np.array(f.get("rotations")) if return_h5_objects: temp_dict["templates"] = f.get("templates") else: temp_dict["templates"] = np.array(f.get("templates")) else: raise Exception("Recordings must be an hdf5 file (.h5 or .hdf5)") if verbose: print("Done loading templates...") if not return_h5_objects: f.close() tempgen = TemplateGenerator(temp_dict=temp_dict, info=info) return tempgen
[docs]def load_recordings( recordings, return_h5_objects=True, load=None, load_waveforms=True, check_suffix=True, verbose=False ): """ Load generated recordings. Parameters ---------- recordings : str or Path object Recordings file return_h5_objects : bool If True output objects are h5 objects load : list List of fields to be loaded (('recordings', 'channel_positions', 'voltage_peaks', 'spiketrains', 'timestamps', 'spike_traces', 'templates')) load_waveforms : bool If True waveforms are loaded to spiketrains verbose : bool If True output is verbose check_suffix : bool If True, hdf5 suffix is checked Returns ------- recgen : RecordingGenerator RecordingGenerator object """ from MEArec import RecordingGenerator if verbose: print("Loading recordings...") rec_dict = {} recordings = Path(recordings) if (recordings.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"]) or (not check_suffix): f = h5py.File(str(recordings), "r") mearec_version = f.attrs.get("mearec_version", "1.4.0") if parse(mearec_version) >= parse("1.5.0"): # version after 1.5.0 is (n_samples, n_channel) inside the h5 file need_transpose = False else: # version 1.4.0 and before is (n_channel, n_samples) inside the h5 file print( "Warning: MEArec file created with version <1.5. This could result in lower efficiency. To upgrade" "your file to the new format use: mr.convert_recording_to_new_version(filename)" ) need_transpose = True rec_dict, info = load_recordings_from_file( f, return_h5_objects=return_h5_objects, load=load, need_transpose=need_transpose, load_waveforms=load_waveforms, ) else: raise Exception("Recordings must be an hdf5 file (.h5 or .hdf5)") if verbose: print("Done loading recordings...") if not return_h5_objects: f.close() recgen = RecordingGenerator(rec_dict=rec_dict, info=info) if "gain_to_uV" in rec_dict: recgen.gain_to_uV = rec_dict["gain_to_uV"] return recgen
def load_recordings_from_file(f, path="", return_h5_objects=True, load=None, need_transpose=False, load_waveforms=True): """ Load generated recordings from file. Parameters ---------- filename : _io.TextIOWrapper File handler path: str Path inside the h5 database return_h5_objects : bool If True output objects are h5 objects load : list List of fields to be loaded (('recordings', 'channel_positions', 'voltage_peaks', 'spiketrains', 'timestamps', 'spike_traces', 'templates')) load_waveforms : bool If True waveforms are loaded to spiketrains verbose : bool If True output is verbose check_suffix : bool If True, hdf5 suffix is checked Returns ------- recgen : RecordingGenerator RecordingGenerator object """ if load is None: load = [ "recordings", "channel_positions", "voltage_peaks", "spiketrains", "timestamps", "spike_traces", "templates", "template_ids", "drift_dict", ] else: assert isinstance(load, list), ( "'load' should be a list with strings of what to be loaded " "('recordings', 'channel_positions', 'voltage_peaks', 'spiketrains', " "'timestamps', 'spike_traces', 'templates')" ) rec_dict = {} info = load_dict_from_hdf5(f, path + "info/") if f.get(path + "voltage_peaks") is not None and "voltage_peaks" in load: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["voltage_peaks"] = f.get(path + "voltage_peaks") else: rec_dict["voltage_peaks"] = np.array(f.get(path + "voltage_peaks")) if f.get(path + "channel_positions") is not None and "channel_positions" in load: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["channel_positions"] = f.get(path + "channel_positions") else: rec_dict["channel_positions"] = np.array(f.get(path + "channel_positions")) if f.get(path + "recordings") is not None and "recordings" in load: if return_h5_objects: if need_transpose: rec_dict["recordings"] = DatasetView(f.get(path + "recordings")).lazy_transpose() else: rec_dict["recordings"] = f.get(path + "recordings") else: arr = np.array(f.get(path + "recordings")) if need_transpose: arr = arr.T rec_dict["recordings"] = arr if "gain_to_uV" in f.get(path + "recordings").attrs: rec_dict["gain_to_uV"] = f.get(path + "recordings").attrs["gain_to_uV"] if f.get(path + "spike_traces") is not None and "spike_traces" in load: if return_h5_objects: if need_transpose: rec_dict["spike_traces"] = DatasetView(f.get(path + "spike_traces")).lazy_transpose() else: rec_dict["spike_traces"] = f.get(path + "spike_traces") else: arr = np.array(f.get(path + "spike_traces")) if need_transpose: arr = arr.T rec_dict["spike_traces"] = arr if f.get(path + "templates") is not None and "templates" in load: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["templates"] = f.get(path + "templates") else: rec_dict["templates"] = np.array(f.get(path + "templates")) if f.get(path + "original_templates") is not None: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["original_templates"] = f.get(path + "original_templates") else: rec_dict["original_templates"] = np.array(f.get(path + "original_templates")) if f.get(path + "template_locations") is not None: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["template_locations"] = f.get(path + "template_locations") else: rec_dict["template_locations"] = np.array(f.get(path + "template_locations")) if f.get(path + "template_rotations") is not None: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["template_rotations"] = f.get(path + "template_rotations") else: rec_dict["template_rotations"] = np.array(f.get(path + "template_rotations")) if f.get(path + "template_celltypes") is not None: celltypes = np.array(([n.decode() for n in f.get(path + "template_celltypes")])) rec_dict["template_celltypes"] = np.array(celltypes) if f.get(path + "timestamps") is not None and "timestamps" in load: if return_h5_objects: rec_dict["timestamps"] = f.get(path + "timestamps") else: rec_dict["timestamps"] = np.array(f.get(path + "timestamps")) * pq.s if f.get(path + "template_ids") is not None and "template_ids" in load: rec_dict["template_ids"] = f.get(path + "template_ids") if f.get(path + "spiketrains") is not None and "spiketrains" in load: spiketrains = [] sorted_units = sorted([int(u) for u in f.get(path + "spiketrains/")]) for unit in sorted_units: unit = str(unit) times = np.array(f.get(path + "spiketrains/" + unit + "/times")) t_stop = np.array(f.get(path + "spiketrains/" + unit + "/t_stop")) if f.get(path + "spiketrains/" + unit + "/waveforms") is not None and load_waveforms: waveforms = np.array(f.get(path + "spiketrains/" + unit + "/waveforms")) else: waveforms = None annotations = load_dict_from_hdf5(f, path + "spiketrains/" + unit + "/annotations/") st = neo.core.SpikeTrain(times, t_stop=t_stop, waveforms=waveforms, units=pq.s) st.annotations = annotations spiketrains.append(st) rec_dict["spiketrains"] = spiketrains if f.get(path + "drift_list") is not None: drift_list = [] for i in f.get(path + "drift_list").keys(): drift_dict = load_dict_from_hdf5(f, path + "drift_list/" + str(i) + "/") drift_list.append(drift_dict) rec_dict["drift_list"] = drift_list else: rec_dict["drift_list"] = None return rec_dict, info
[docs]def save_template_generator(tempgen, filename=None, verbose=True): """ Save templates to disk. Parameters ---------- tempgen : TemplateGenerator TemplateGenerator object to be saved filename : str Path to .h5 file verbose : bool If True output is verbose """ filename = Path(filename) if not filename.parent.is_dir(): os.makedirs(str(filename.parent)) assert filename.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"], "Provide an .h5 or .hdf5 file name" with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: save_dict_to_hdf5(, f, "info/") f.attrs["date"] ="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if len(tempgen.celltypes) > 0: celltypes = [str(x).encode("utf-8") for x in tempgen.celltypes] f.create_dataset("celltypes", data=celltypes) if len(tempgen.locations) > 0: f.create_dataset("locations", data=tempgen.locations) if len(tempgen.rotations) > 0: f.create_dataset("rotations", data=tempgen.rotations) if len(tempgen.templates) > 0: f.create_dataset("templates", data=tempgen.templates) if verbose: print("\nSaved templates in", filename, "\n")
[docs]def save_recording_generator(recgen, filename=None, verbose=False, include_spike_traces: bool = True): """ Save recordings to disk. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator RecordingGenerator object to be saved filename : str Path to .h5 file verbose : bool If True output is verbose include_spike_traces: bool, default=True If True, will include the spike traces (which can be large for many units) """ filename = Path(filename) if not filename.parent.is_dir(): os.makedirs(str(filename.parent)) assert filename.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"], "Provide an .h5 or .hdf5 file name" with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: f.attrs["mearec_version"] = mearec_version f.attrs["date"] ="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") save_recording_to_file(recgen, f, include_spike_traces=include_spike_traces) if verbose: print("\nSaved recordings in", filename, "\n")
def save_recording_to_file(recgen, f, path="", include_spike_traces: bool = True): """ Save recordings to file handler. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator RecordingGenerator object to be saved filename : _io.TextIOWrapper File handler include_spike_traces: bool, default=True If True, will include the spike traces (can be heavy) """ save_dict_to_hdf5(, f, path + "info/") if len(recgen.voltage_peaks) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "voltage_peaks", data=recgen.voltage_peaks) if len(recgen.channel_positions) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "channel_positions", data=recgen.channel_positions) if len(recgen.recordings) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "recordings", data=recgen.recordings) if recgen.gain_to_uV is not None: f["recordings"].attrs["gain_to_uV"] = recgen.gain_to_uV if len(recgen.spike_traces) > 0 and include_spike_traces: f.create_dataset(path + "spike_traces", data=recgen.spike_traces) if len(recgen.spiketrains) > 0: for ii in range(len(recgen.spiketrains)): st = recgen.spiketrains[ii] f.create_dataset(path + "spiketrains/{}/times".format(ii), data=st.times.rescale("s").magnitude) f.create_dataset(path + "spiketrains/{}/t_stop".format(ii), data=st.t_stop) if st.waveforms is not None: f.create_dataset(path + "spiketrains/{}/waveforms".format(ii), data=st.waveforms) save_dict_to_hdf5(st.annotations, f, path + "spiketrains/{}/annotations/".format(ii)) if len(recgen.templates) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "templates", data=recgen.templates) if len(recgen.original_templates) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "original_templates", data=recgen.original_templates) if len(recgen.template_locations) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "template_locations", data=recgen.template_locations) if len(recgen.template_rotations) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "template_rotations", data=recgen.template_rotations) if len(recgen.template_celltypes) > 0: celltypes = [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in recgen.template_celltypes] f.create_dataset(path + "template_celltypes", data=celltypes) if len(recgen.timestamps) > 0: f.create_dataset(path + "timestamps", data=recgen.timestamps) if hasattr(recgen, "template_ids"): if recgen.template_ids is not None: f.create_dataset(path + "template_ids", data=recgen.template_ids) if recgen.drift_list is not None: for i, drift_dict in enumerate(recgen.drift_list): save_dict_to_hdf5(drift_dict, f, path + "drift_list/" + str(i) + "/") def save_dict_to_hdf5(dic, h5file, path): """ Save dictionary to h5 file. Parameters ---------- dic : dict Dictionary to be saved h5file : file Hdf5 file object path : str Path to the h5 field """ recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path, dic) def recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path, dic): """ Save dictionary recursively to h5 file (helper function). Parameters ---------- dic : dict Dictionary to be saved h5file : file Hdf5 file object path : str Path to the h5 field """ for key, item in dic.items(): if isinstance(item, (int, float, np.integer, str, bytes, np.bool_)): if isinstance(item, np.str_): item = str(item) h5file[path + key] = item elif isinstance(item, pq.Quantity): h5file[path + key] = float(item.magnitude) elif isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(item) > 0: if isinstance(item[0], (str, bytes)): item = [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in item] h5file[path + key] = np.array(item) else: h5file[path + key] = np.array(item) else: item = "[]" h5file[path + key] = item elif isinstance(item, tuple): h5file[path + key] = np.array(item) elif item is None: h5file[path + key] = "null" elif isinstance(item, dict): recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path + key + "/", item) else: print(key, item) raise ValueError("Cannot save %s type" % type(item)) def load_dict_from_hdf5(h5file, path): """ Load h5 object as dict. Parameters ---------- h5file :file Hdf5 file object path : str Path to the h5 field Returns ------- dictionary : dict Loaded dictionary """ return recursively_load_dict_contents_from_group(h5file, path) def recursively_load_dict_contents_from_group(h5file, path): """ Load h5 object as dict recursively (helper function). Parameters ---------- h5file :file Hdf5 file object path : str Path to the h5 field Returns ------- dictionary : dict Loaded dictionary """ ans = {} for key, item in h5file[path].items(): if isinstance(item, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset): # handle bytes strings if isinstance(item[()], bytes): ans[key] = item[()].decode() else: ans[key] = item[()] elif isinstance(item, ans[key] = recursively_load_dict_contents_from_group(h5file, path + key + "/") return clean_dict(ans) def clean_dict(d): """ Clean dictionary loaded from h5 file. Parameters ---------- d : dict Dictionary to be cleaned. Returns ------- d : dict Cleaned dictionary """ for key, item in d.items(): if isinstance(item, dict): clean_dict(item) elif isinstance(item, str): if item == "null": d[key] = None elif item == "[]": d[key] = np.array([]) elif isinstance(item, np.ndarray): if len(item) > 0: if isinstance(item[0], np.bytes_): d[key] = list([n.decode() for n in item]) else: d[key] = list(item) return d def _clean_numpy_scalar(v): if isinstance(v, np.bool_): v = bool(v) if isinstance(v, np.float_): v = float(v) if isinstance(v, np.int_): v = int(v) return v def clean_dict_for_yaml(d): """ Clean dictionary before saving to yaml Parameters ---------- d : dict Dictionary to be cleaned. Returns ------- d : dict Cleaned dictionary """ d2 = d.copy() for k, v in d2.items(): d2[k] = _clean_numpy_scalar(v) if isinstance(v, list): d2[k] = [_clean_numpy_scalar(e) for e in v] return d2 def convert_recording_to_new_version(filename, new_filename=None): """ Converts MEArec h5 file from a version <1.5 to the new format >=1.5. Parameters ---------- filename: str Path to original .h5 file new_filename: str (optional) Path to new .h5 file. If None (default), the original file is overwritten """ filename = Path(filename) assert filename.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"], "Provide an .h5 or .hdf5 file name" if new_filename is not None: new_filename = Path(new_filename) assert new_filename.suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"] shutil.copy(filename, new_filename) with h5py.File(filename, "r+") as f: mearec_version_in_file = f.attrs.get("mearec_version", "1.4.0") if parse(mearec_version_in_file) >= parse("1.5.0"): print("The provided mearec file is already up to date") else: # version 1.4.0 and before is (n_channel, n_samples) inside the h5 file print("Updating file") recordings = f.get("recordings")[:] spike_traces = f.get("spike_traces")[:] if new_filename is not None: with h5py.File(new_filename, "r+") as fnew: del fnew["recordings"] del fnew["spike_traces"] fnew.create_dataset("recordings", data=recordings.T) fnew.create_dataset("spike_traces", data=spike_traces.T) fnew.attrs["mearec_version"] = mearec_version else: del f["recordings"] del f["spike_traces"] f.create_dataset("recordings", data=recordings.T) f.create_dataset("spike_traces", data=spike_traces.T) f.attrs["mearec_version"] = mearec_version ### TEMPLATES INFO ### def get_binary_cat(celltypes, excit, inhib): """ Returns binary category depending on cell type. Parameters ---------- celltypes : np.array String array with cell types excit : list List of substrings for excitatory cell types (e.g. ['PC', 'UTPC']) inhib : list List of substrings for inhibitory celltypes (e.g. ['BP', 'MC']) Returns ------- binary_cat : np.array Array with binary cell type (E-I) """ binary_cat = [] sample_type = celltypes[0] # Find if bbp or custom models if sample_type.startswith("L") and len(sample_type.split("_")) == 4: models = "bbp" else: models = "custom" for i, cat in enumerate(celltypes): if models == "bbp": cell_str = str(cat).split("_")[1] else: cell_str = str(cat) if np.any([ex in cell_str for ex in excit]): binary_cat.append("E") elif np.any([inh in str(cat) for inh in inhib]): binary_cat.append("I") else: binary_cat.append("U") return np.array(binary_cat, dtype=str) def get_templates_features(templates, feat_list, dt=None, templates_times=None, threshold_detect=0): """ Computes several templates features. Parameters ---------- templates : np.array EAP templates feat_list : list List of features to be computed (amp, width, fwhm, ratio, speed, neg, pos) dt : float Sampling period threshold_detect : float Threshold to zero out features Returns ------- feature_dict : dict Dictionary with features (keys: amp, width, fwhm, ratio, speed, neg, pos) """ if dt is not None: templates_times = np.arange(templates.shape[-1]) * dt else: if "width" in feat_list or "fwhm" in feat_list or "speed" in feat_list: raise NotImplementedError("Please, specify either dt or templates_times.") if len(templates.shape) == 1: templates = np.reshape(templates, [1, 1, -1]) elif len(templates.shape) == 2: templates = np.reshape(templates, [1, templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1]]) if len(templates.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Cannot handle templatess with shape", templates.shape) features = {} amps = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) na_peak = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) rep_peak = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "width" in feat_list: features["width"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "fwhm" in feat_list: features["fwhm"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "ratio" in feat_list: features["ratio"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "speed" in feat_list: features["speed"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "neg" in feat_list: features["neg"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) if "pos" in feat_list: features["pos"] = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1])) for i in range(templates.shape[0]): # For AMP feature min_idx = np.array( [np.unravel_index(templates[i, e].argmin(), templates[i, e].shape)[0] for e in range(templates.shape[1])] ) max_idx = np.array( [ np.unravel_index(templates[i, e, min_idx[e] :].argmax(), templates[i, e, min_idx[e] :].shape)[0] + min_idx[e] for e in range(templates.shape[1]) ] ) # for na and rep min_elid, min_idx_na = np.unravel_index(templates[i].argmin(), templates[i].shape) max_idx_rep = templates[i, min_elid, min_idx_na:].argmax() + min_idx_na na_peak[i, :] = templates[i, :, min_idx_na] rep_peak[i, :] = templates[i, :, max_idx_rep] amps[i, :] = np.array( [templates[i, e, max_idx[e]] - templates[i, e, min_idx[e]] for e in range(templates.shape[1])] ) too_low = np.where(amps[i, :] < threshold_detect) amps[i, too_low] = 0 if "ratio" in feat_list: min_id_ratio = np.array( [ np.unravel_index(templates[i, e, min_idx_na:].argmin(), templates[i, e, min_idx_na:].shape)[0] + min_idx_na for e in range(templates.shape[1]) ] ) max_id_ratio = np.array( [ np.unravel_index(templates[i, e, min_idx_na:].argmax(), templates[i, e, min_idx_na:].shape)[0] + min_idx_na for e in range(templates.shape[1]) ] ) features["ratio"][i, :] = np.array( [ np.abs(templates[i, e, max_id_ratio[e]]) / np.abs(templates[i, e, min_id_ratio[e]]) for e in range(templates.shape[1]) ] ) # If below 'detectable threshold, set amp and width to 0 too_low = np.where(amps[i, :] < threshold_detect) features["ratio"][i, too_low] = 1 if "speed" in feat_list: features["speed"][i, :] = np.array((min_idx - min_idx_na) * dt) features["speed"][i, too_low] = min_idx_na * dt if "width" in feat_list: features["width"][i, :] = np.abs(templates_times[max_idx] - templates_times[min_idx]) features["width"][i, too_low] = templates.shape[2] * dt # templates_times[-1]-templates_times[0] if "fwhm" in feat_list: import scipy.signal as ss min_peak = np.min(templates[i], axis=1) fwhm_ref = np.array([templates[i, e, 0] for e in range(templates.shape[1])]) fwhm_V = (fwhm_ref + min_peak) / 2.0 id_trough = [np.where(templates[i, e] < fwhm_V[e])[0] for e in range(templates.shape[1])] # no linear interpolation features["fwhm"][i, :] = [ (id_trough[e][-1] - id_trough[e][0]) * dt if len(id_trough[e]) > 1 else templates.shape[2] * dt for e in range(templates.shape[1]) ] features["fwhm"][i, too_low] = templates.shape[2] * dt # EAP_times[-1]-EAP_times[0] if "amp" in feat_list: features.update({"amp": amps}) if "neg" in feat_list: features.update({"neg": na_peak}) if "pos" in feat_list: features.update({"pos": rep_peak}) return features ### TEMPLATES OPERATIONS ### def is_position_within_boundaries(position, x_lim, y_lim, z_lim): """ Check if position is within given boundaries. Parameters ---------- position : np.array 3D position x_lim : list Boundaries in x dimension (low, high) y_lim : list Boundaries in y dimension (low, high) z_lim : list Boundaries in z dimension (low, high) Returns ------- valid_position : bool If True the position is within boundaries """ valid_position = True if x_lim is not None: if position[0] < x_lim[0] or position[0] > x_lim[1]: valid_position = False if y_lim is not None: if position[1] < y_lim[0] or position[1] > y_lim[1]: valid_position = False if z_lim is not None: if position[2] < z_lim[0] or position[2] > z_lim[1]: valid_position = False return valid_position def select_templates( loc, templates, bin_cat, n_exc, n_inh, min_dist=25, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, z_lim=None, min_amp=None, max_amp=None, drifting=False, drift_dir=None, preferred_dir=None, angle_tol=15, n_overlap_pairs=None, overlap_threshold=0.8, verbose=False, ): """ Select templates given specified rules. Parameters ---------- loc : np.array Array with 3D soma locations templates : np.array Array with eap templates (n_eap, n_channels, n_samples) bin_cat : np.array Array with binary category (E-I) n_exc : int Number of excitatory cells to be selected n_inh : int Number of inhibitory cells to be selected min_dist : float Minimum allowed distance between somata (in um) x_lim : list Boundaries in x dimension (low, high) y_lim : list Boundaries in y dimension (low, high) z_lim : list Boundaries in z dimension (low, high) min_amp : float Minimum amplitude in uV max_amp : float Maximum amplitude in uV drifting : bool If True drifting templates are selected drift_dir : np.array 3D array with drift direction for each template preferred_dir : np.array 3D array with preferred angle_tol : float Tollerance in degrees for selecting final drift position n_overlap_pairs: int Number of spatially overlapping templates to select overlap_threshold: float Threshold for considering spatially overlapping pairs ([0-1]) verbose : bool If True the output is verbose Returns ------- selected_idxs : np.array Selected template indexes selected_cat : list Selected templates binary type """ pos_sel = [] selected_idxs = [] categories = np.unique(bin_cat) if bin_cat is not None and "E" in categories and "I" in categories: if verbose: print("Selecting Excitatory and Inhibitory cells") excinh = True selected_cat = [] else: if verbose: print("Selecting random templates (cell types not specified)") excinh = False selected_cat = [] permuted_idxs = np.random.permutation(len(loc)) if bin_cat is not None: permuted_bin_cats = bin_cat[permuted_idxs] else: permuted_bin_cats = ["U"] * len(loc) if verbose: print("Min dist: ", min_dist, "Min amp: ", min_amp) if min_amp is None: min_amp = 0 if max_amp is None: max_amp = np.inf if drifting: if drift_dir is None or preferred_dir is None: raise Exception("For drift selection provide drifting angles and preferred drift direction") n_sel = 0 n_sel_exc = 0 n_sel_inh = 0 iter = 0 current_overlapping_pairs = 0 for i, (id_cell, bcat) in enumerate(zip(permuted_idxs, permuted_bin_cats)): placed = False iter += 1 if n_sel == n_exc + n_inh: break # Excitatory and inhibitory cells if excinh: # excitatory cell if bcat == "E": if n_sel_exc < n_exc: dist = np.array([np.linalg.norm(loc[id_cell] - p) for p in pos_sel]) if np.any(dist < min_dist): if verbose: print("Distance violation", np.min(dist), iter) pass else: amp = np.max(np.abs(np.min(templates[id_cell]))) if not drifting: if ( is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp ): # save cell if n_overlap_pairs is None: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if len(selected_idxs) == 0: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) possible_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(possible_selected)], overlap_threshold ) ) current_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(selected_idxs)], overlap_threshold ) ) if ( current_overlapping_pairs < n_overlap_pairs and possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs ): if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: continue else: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True if verbose: print("Number of overlapping pairs:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell], iter) else: # drifting if ( is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell, 0], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp ): # save cell drift_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos([id_cell], preferred_dir))) if drift_angle - angle_tol <= 0: if n_overlap_pairs is None: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if len(selected_idxs) == 0: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) possible_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(possible_selected), 0], overlap_threshold ) ) current_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(selected_idxs), 0], overlap_threshold ) ) if ( current_overlapping_pairs < n_overlap_pairs and possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs ): if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: continue else: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True if verbose: print( "Number of overlapping pairs:", possible_overlapping_pairs ) else: if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Drift violation", loc[id_cell, 0], iter) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell, 0], iter) if placed: n_sel_exc += 1 selected_cat.append("E") # inhibitory cell elif bcat == "I": if n_sel_inh < n_inh: dist = np.array([np.linalg.norm(loc[id_cell] - p) for p in pos_sel]) if np.any(dist < min_dist): if verbose: print("Distance violation", np.min(dist), iter) pass else: amp = np.max(np.abs(np.min(templates[id_cell]))) if not drifting: if ( is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp ): # save cell if n_overlap_pairs is None: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if len(selected_idxs) == 0: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) possible_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(possible_selected)], overlap_threshold ) ) current_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(selected_idxs)], overlap_threshold ) ) if ( current_overlapping_pairs < n_overlap_pairs and possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs ): if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: continue else: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True if verbose: print("Number of overlapping pairs:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell], iter) else: # drifting if ( is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell, 0], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp ): # save cell drift_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos([id_cell], preferred_dir))) if drift_angle - angle_tol <= 0: if n_overlap_pairs is None: selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if len(selected_idxs) == 0: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) possible_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(possible_selected), 0], overlap_threshold ) ) current_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[sorted(selected_idxs), 0], overlap_threshold ) ) if ( current_overlapping_pairs < n_overlap_pairs and possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs ): if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: continue else: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True if verbose: print( "Number of overlapping pairs:", possible_overlapping_pairs ) else: if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Drift violation", loc[id_cell], iter) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell, 0], iter) if placed: n_sel_inh += 1 selected_cat.append("I") # unknown cell type else: dist = np.array([np.linalg.norm(loc[id_cell] - p) for p in pos_sel]) if np.any(dist < min_dist): if verbose: print("Distance violation", np.min(dist), iter) pass else: amp = np.max(np.abs(np.min(templates[id_cell]))) if not drifting: if is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp: if n_overlap_pairs is None: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if len(selected_idxs) == 0: # save cell pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) possible_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates( templates[np.array(possible_selected)], overlap_threshold ) ) current_overlapping_pairs = len( find_overlapping_templates(templates[np.array(selected_idxs)], overlap_threshold) ) if ( current_overlapping_pairs < n_overlap_pairs and possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs ): if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: continue else: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True if verbose: print("Number of overlapping pairs:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if possible_overlapping_pairs == current_overlapping_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", possible_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell], iter) else: # drifting if is_position_within_boundaries(loc[id_cell, 0], x_lim, y_lim, z_lim) and min_amp < amp < max_amp: # save cell drift_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos([id_cell], preferred_dir))) if drift_angle - angle_tol <= 0: if n_overlap_pairs is None: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True else: possible_selected = deepcopy(selected_idxs) possible_selected.append(id_cell) overlapping = find_overlapping_templates( templates[np.array(possible_selected), 0], overlap_threshold ) possible_overlapping_pairs = len(overlapping) if possible_overlapping_pairs <= n_overlap_pairs: pos_sel.append(loc[id_cell]) selected_idxs.append(id_cell) n_sel += 1 placed = True current_overlapping_pairs = len(overlapping) if verbose: print("Number of overlapping pairs:", current_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Overlapping violation:", current_overlapping_pairs) else: if verbose: print("Drift violation", loc[id_cell, 0], iter) else: if verbose: print("Amplitude or boundary violation", amp, loc[id_cell, 0], iter) if placed: selected_cat.append("U") if i == len(permuted_idxs) - 1 and n_sel < n_exc + n_inh: raise RuntimeError( "Templates could not be selected. \n" "Decrease number of spiketrains, decrease 'min_dist', or use more templates." ) return selected_idxs, selected_cat def resample_templates( templates, n_resample, up, down, drifting, dtype, verbose, n_jobs=None, tmp_file=None, parallel=False ): """ Resamples the templates to a specified sampling frequency. Parameters ---------- templates : np.array Array with templates (n_neurons, n_channels, n_samples) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting n_resample : int Samples for resampled templates up : float The original sampling frequency in Hz down : float The new sampling frequency in Hz drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting verbose : bool If True output is verbose n_jobs : int Number of jobs for parallel processing. If None half cpus are used tmp_file : str Path to tmp file to memmap. If None, processing is in memory parallel : bool If True each template is resampled in parellel Returns ------- template_rs : np.array Array with resampled templates (n_neurons, n_channels, n_resample) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_channels, n_resample) if drifting """ # create resampled templates if not drifting: if tmp_file is not None: templates_rs = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], n_resample), dtype=dtype, mode="w+" ) else: templates_rs = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], n_resample)) else: if tmp_file is not None: templates_rs = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2], n_resample), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", ) else: templates_rs = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2], n_resample)) if parallel: if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = os.cpu_count() // 2 if verbose: print("Resampling with", n_jobs, "jobs") output_list = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_resample_parallel)( i, tem, up, down, drifting, ) for i, tem in enumerate(templates) ) for i, tem in enumerate(templates): template_rs = output_list[i] if template_rs.shape[-1] < templates_rs.shape[-1]: if not drifting: templates_rs[i, :, : len(template_rs)] = template_rs else: templates_rs[i, :, :, : len(template_rs)] = template_rs elif template_rs.shape[-1] > templates_rs.shape[-1]: if not drifting: templates_rs[i] = template_rs[:, : templates_rs.shape[-1]] else: templates_rs[i] = template_rs[:, :, : templates_rs.shape[-1]] else: templates_rs[i] = template_rs else: for i, tem in enumerate(templates): template_rs = _resample_parallel(i, tem, up, down, drifting) if template_rs.shape[-1] < templates_rs.shape[-1]: if not drifting: templates_rs[i, :, : len(template_rs)] = template_rs else: templates_rs[i, :, :, : len(template_rs)] = template_rs elif template_rs.shape[-1] > templates_rs.shape[-1]: if not drifting: templates_rs[i] = template_rs[:, : templates_rs.shape[-1]] else: templates_rs[i] = template_rs[:, :, : templates_rs.shape[-1]] else: templates_rs[i] = template_rs return templates_rs def pad_templates(templates, pad_samples, drifting, dtype, verbose, n_jobs=None, tmp_file=None, parallel=False): """ Pads the templates on both ends. Parameters ---------- templates : np.array Array with templates (n_neurons, n_channels, n_samples) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting pad_samples : list List of 2 ints with number of samples for padding before and after drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting verbose : bool If True output is verbose n_jobs : int Number of jobs for parallel processing. If None half cpus are used tmp_file : str Path to tmp file to memmap. If None, processing is in memory parallel : bool If True each template is padded in parellel Returns ------- template_pad : np.array Array with padded templates (n_neurons, n_channels, n_padded_sample) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_channels, n_padded_sample) if drifting """ padded_template_samples = templates.shape[-1] + np.sum(pad_samples) # create padded templates if not drifting: if tmp_file is not None: templates_pad = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], padded_template_samples), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", ) else: templates_pad = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], padded_template_samples)) else: if tmp_file is not None: templates_pad = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2], padded_template_samples), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", ) else: templates_pad = np.zeros( (templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2], padded_template_samples) ) if parallel: assert tmp_file is not None if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = os.cpu_count() // 2 if verbose: print("Padding with", n_jobs, "jobs") output_list = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_pad_parallel)(i, tem, pad_samples, drifting, verbose, templates_pad) for i, tem in enumerate(templates) ) else: for i, tem in enumerate(templates): templates_pad[i] = _pad_parallel(i, tem, pad_samples, drifting, verbose, None) return templates_pad def jitter_templates( templates, upsample, fs, n_jitters, jitter, drifting, dtype, verbose, n_jobs=None, tmp_file=None, parallel=False ): """ Adds jittered replicas to the templates. Parameters ---------- templates : np.array Array with templates (n_neurons, n_channels, n_samples) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting upsample : int Factor for upsampling the templates n_jitters : int Number of jittered copies for each template jitter : quantity Jitter in time for shifting the template drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting verbose : bool If True output is verbose n_jobs : int Number of jobs for parallel processing. If None half cpus are used tmp_file : str Path to tmp file to memmap. If None, processing is in memory parallel : bool If True each template is jittered in parellel Returns ------- template_jitt : np.array Array with jittered templates (n_neurons, n_jitters, n_channels, n_samples) or (n_neurons, n_drift, n_jitters, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting """ # create padded templates if not drifting: if tmp_file is not None: templates_jitter = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], n_jitters, templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2]), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", ) else: templates_jitter = np.zeros((templates.shape[0], n_jitters, templates.shape[1], templates.shape[2])) else: if tmp_file is not None: templates_jitter = np.memmap( tmp_file, shape=(templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], n_jitters, templates.shape[2], templates.shape[3]), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", ) else: templates_jitter = np.zeros( (templates.shape[0], templates.shape[1], n_jitters, templates.shape[2], templates.shape[3]) ) if parallel: assert tmp_file is not None if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = os.cpu_count() // 2 if verbose: print("Jittering with", n_jobs, "jobs") output_list = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_jitter_parallel)(i, tem, upsample, fs, n_jitters, jitter, drifting, verbose, templates_jitter) for i, tem in enumerate(templates) ) else: for i, tem in enumerate(templates): templates_jitter[i] = _jitter_parallel(i, tem, upsample, fs, n_jitters, jitter, drifting, verbose, None) return templates_jitter def cubic_padding(template, pad_samples): """ Cubic spline padding on left and right side to 0. The initial offset of the templates is also removed. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Templates to be padded (n_elec, n_samples) pad_samples : list Padding samples before and after the template Returns ------- padded_template : np.array Padded template """ import scipy.interpolate as interp assert len(pad_samples) == 2, "'pad_samples' should be a list/tuple/array of length 2!" n_pre, n_post = pad_samples padded_template = np.zeros((template.shape[0], int(n_pre) + template.shape[1] + n_post)) splines = np.zeros((template.shape[0], int(n_pre) + template.shape[1] + n_post)) for i, sp in enumerate(template): # Remove inital offset sp_copy = deepcopy(sp) padded_sp = np.zeros(n_pre + len(sp) + n_post) padded_t = np.arange(len(padded_sp)) initial_offset = sp[0] sp_copy -= initial_offset x_pre = float(n_pre) x_pre_pad = np.arange(n_pre) x_post = float(n_post) x_post_pad = np.arange(n_post)[::-1] # fill pre and post intervals with linear values from sp[0] - sp[-1] to 0 for better fit m_pre = sp_copy[0] / x_pre m_post = sp_copy[-1] / x_post padded_sp[:n_pre] = m_pre * x_pre_pad padded_sp[n_pre:-n_post] = sp_copy padded_sp[-n_post:] = m_post * x_post_pad f = interp.interp1d(padded_t, padded_sp, kind="cubic") splines[i] = f(np.arange(len(padded_sp))) padded_template[i, :n_pre] = f(x_pre_pad) padded_template[i, n_pre:-n_post] = sp_copy padded_template[i, -n_post:] = f(np.arange(n_pre + len(sp_copy), n_pre + len(sp_copy) + n_post)) return padded_template def find_overlapping_templates(templates, thresh=0.8): """ Find spatially overlapping templates. Parameters ---------- templates : np.array Array with templates (n_templates, n_elec, n_samples) thresh : float Percent threshold to consider two templates to be overlapping. Returns ------- overlapping_pairs : np.array Array with overlapping pairs (n_overlapping, 2) """ overlapping_pairs = [] for i, temp_1 in enumerate(templates): if len(templates.shape) == 4: # jitter temp_1 = temp_1[0] peak_electrode_idx = np.unravel_index(temp_1.argmin(), temp_1.shape) for j, temp_2 in enumerate(templates): if len(templates.shape) == 4: # jitter temp_2 = temp_2[0] if i != j: if are_templates_overlapping([temp_1, temp_2], thresh): if [i, j] not in overlapping_pairs and [j, i] not in overlapping_pairs: overlapping_pairs.append(sorted([i, j])) return np.array(overlapping_pairs) def are_templates_overlapping(templates, thresh): """ Returns true if templates are spatially overlapping Parameters ---------- templates : np.array Array with 2 templates (2, n_elec, n_samples) thresh : float Overlapping threshold ([0 - 1]) Returns ------- overlab : bool Whether the templates are spatially overlapping or not """ assert len(templates) == 2 temp_1 = templates[0] temp_2 = templates[1] peak_electrode_idx = np.unravel_index(temp_1.argmin(), temp_1.shape) peak_2_on_max = np.abs(np.min(temp_2[peak_electrode_idx])) peak_2 = np.abs(np.min(temp_2)) if peak_2_on_max > thresh * peak_2: return True else: return False ### SPIKETRAIN OPERATIONS ### def annotate_overlapping_spikes(spiketrains, t_jitt=1 *, overlapping_pairs=None, parallel=True, verbose=True): """ Annotate spike trains with temporal and spatio-temporal overlapping labels. NO - Non overlap TO - Temporal overlap SO - Spatio-temporal overlap Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list List of neo spike trains to be annotated t_jitt : Quantity Time jitter to consider overlapping spikes in time (default 1 ms) overlapping_pairs : np.array Array with overlapping information between spike trains (n_spiketrains, 2) parallel : bool If True spike trains are processed in parallel with multiprocessing verbose : bool If True output is verbose """ if parallel: import multiprocessing threads = [] manager = multiprocessing.Manager() return_spiketrains = manager.dict() for i, st_i in enumerate(spiketrains): p = multiprocessing.Process( target=annotate_parallel, args=( i, st_i, spiketrains, t_jitt, overlapping_pairs, return_spiketrains, verbose, ), ) p.start() threads.append(p) for p in threads: p.join() # retrieve annotated spiketrains for i, st in enumerate(spiketrains): spiketrains[i] = return_spiketrains[i] else: # find overlapping spikes for i, st_i in enumerate(spiketrains): if verbose: print("Annotating overlapping spike train ", i) over = np.array(["NONE"] * len(st_i)) for i_sp, t_i in enumerate(st_i): for j, st_j in enumerate(spiketrains): if i != j: # find overlapping id_over = np.where((st_j > t_i - t_jitt) & (st_j < t_i + t_jitt))[0] if not np.any(overlapping_pairs): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" else: pair = [i, j] pair_i = [j, i] if np.any([np.all(pair == p) for p in overlapping_pairs]) or np.any( [np.all(pair_i == p) for p in overlapping_pairs] ): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "STO" else: if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" over[over == "NONE"] = "NO" st_i.annotate(overlap=over) def annotate_parallel(i, st_i, spiketrains, t_jitt, overlapping_pairs, return_spiketrains, verbose): """ Helper function to annotate spike trains in parallel. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of spike train st_i : neo.SpikeTrain Spike train to be processed spiketrains : list List of neo spiketrains t_jitt : Quantity Time jitter to consider overlapping spikes in time (default 1 ms) overlapping_pairs : np.array Array with overlapping information between spike trains (n_spiketrains, 2) verbose : bool If True output is verbose """ if verbose: print("Annotating overlapping spike train ", i) over = np.array(["NONE"] * len(st_i)) for i_sp, t_i in enumerate(st_i): for j, st_j in enumerate(spiketrains): if i != j: # find overlapping id_over = np.where((st_j > t_i - t_jitt) & (st_j < t_i + t_jitt))[0] if not np.any(overlapping_pairs): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" else: pair = [i, j] pair_i = [j, i] if np.any([np.all(pair == p) for p in overlapping_pairs]) or np.any( [np.all(pair_i == p) for p in overlapping_pairs] ): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "STO" else: if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" over[over == "NONE"] = "NO" st_i.annotate(overlap=over) return_spiketrains[i] = st_i def resample_spiketrains(spiketrains, fs=None): """ Resamples spike trains. Provide either fs or T parameters Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list List of neo spiketrains to be resampled fs : Quantity New sampling frequency Returns ------- resampled_mat : np.array Matrix with resampled binned spike trains """ import elephant.conversion as conv resampled_mat = [] if not fs: raise Exception("Provide either sampling frequency fs or time period T") elif fs: if not isinstance(fs, Quantity): raise ValueError("fs must be of type pq.Quantity") binsize = 1.0 / fs binsize.rescale("ms") resampled_mat = [] for sts in spiketrains: spikes = conv.BinnedSpikeTrain(sts, binsize=binsize).to_array() resampled_mat.append(np.squeeze(spikes)) return np.array(resampled_mat) def compute_sync_rate(times1, times2, time_jitt): """ Compute synchrony rate between two wpike trains. Parameters ---------- times1 : quantity array Spike times 1 times2 : quantity array Spike times 2 time_jitt : quantity Maximum time jittering between added spikes Returns ------- rate : float Synchrony rate (0-1) """ # TODO make this faster count = 0 for t1 in times1: if len(np.where(np.abs(times2 - t1) <= time_jitt)[0]) >= 1: if len(np.where(np.abs(times2 - t1) <= time_jitt)[0]) > 1: print("Len: ", len(np.where(np.abs(times2 - t1) <= time_jitt)[0])) count += 1 rate = count / (len(times1) + len(times2)) return rate ### CONVOLUTION OPERATIONS ### def compute_modulation(st, n_el=1, mrand=1, sdrand=0.05, n_spikes=1, exp=0.2, max_burst_duration=100 * """ Computes modulation value for an input spike train. Parameters ---------- st : neo.SpikeTrain Input spike train n_el : int Number of electrodes to compute modulation. If 1, modulation is computed at the template level. If n_elec, modulation is computed at the electrode level. mrand : float Mean for Gaussian modulation (should be 1) sdrand : float Standard deviation for Gaussian modulation n_spikes : int Number of spikes for bursting behavior. If 1, no bursting behavior. If > 1, up to n_spikes consecutive spike are modulated with an exponentially decaying function. exp : float Exponent for exponential modulation (default 0.2) max_burst_duration : Quantity Maximum duration of a bursting event. After this duration, bursting modulation is reset. Returns ------- mod : np.array Modulation value for each spike in the spike train cons : np.array Number of consecutive spikes computed for each spike """ import elephant.statistics as stat if n_el == 1: ISI = stat.isi(st).rescale("ms") # max_burst_duration = 2*mean_ISI mod = np.zeros(len(st)) mod[0] = sdrand * np.random.randn() + mrand cons = np.zeros(len(st)) last_burst_event = 0 * pq.s for i, isi in enumerate(ISI): if n_spikes == 0: # no isi-dependent modulation mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn() + mrand elif n_spikes == 1: if isi > max_burst_duration: mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn() + mrand else: mod[i + 1] = ( isi.magnitude**exp * (1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp) + sdrand * np.random.randn() ) else: if last_burst_event.magnitude == 0: consecutive_idx = np.where((st > st[i] - max_burst_duration) & (st <= st[i]))[0] consecutive = len(consecutive_idx) else: consecutive_idx = np.where((st > last_burst_event) & (st <= st[i]))[0] consecutive = len(consecutive_idx) if consecutive == n_spikes - 1: last_burst_event = st[i + 1] if consecutive >= 1: if st[i + 1] - st[consecutive_idx[0]] >= max_burst_duration: last_burst_event = st[i + 1] - 0.001 * consecutive = 0 if consecutive == 0: mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn() + mrand elif consecutive == 1: amp = (isi / float(consecutive)) ** exp * (1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp) # scale std by amp mod[i + 1] = amp + amp * sdrand * np.random.randn() else: if i != len(ISI): isi_mean = np.mean(ISI[i - consecutive + 1 : i + 1]) else: isi_mean = np.mean(ISI[i - consecutive + 1 :]) amp = (isi_mean / float(consecutive)) ** exp * (1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp) # scale std by amp mod[i + 1] = amp + amp * sdrand * np.random.randn() cons[i + 1] = consecutive else: if n_spikes == 0: mod = sdrand * np.random.randn(len(st), n_el) + mrand cons = [] else: ISI = stat.isi(st).rescale("ms") mod = np.zeros((len(st), n_el)) mod[0] = sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) + mrand cons = np.zeros(len(st)) last_burst_event = 0 * pq.s for i, isi in enumerate(ISI): if n_spikes == 1: if isi > max_burst_duration: mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) + mrand else: mod[i + 1] = isi.magnitude**exp * ( 1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp ) + sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) else: if isi > max_burst_duration: mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) + mrand consecutive = 0 elif last_burst_event.magnitude == 0: consecutive_idx = np.where((st > st[i] - max_burst_duration) & (st <= st[i]))[0] consecutive = len(consecutive_idx) else: consecutive_idx = np.where((st > last_burst_event) & (st <= st[i]))[0] consecutive = len(consecutive_idx) if consecutive == n_spikes: last_burst_event = st[i + 1] if consecutive >= 1: if st[i + 1] - st[consecutive_idx[0]] >= max_burst_duration: last_burst_event = st[i + 1] - 0.001 * consecutive = 0 if consecutive == 0: mod[i + 1] = sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) + mrand elif consecutive == 1: amp = (isi.magnitude / float(consecutive)) ** exp * (1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp) # scale std by amp if amp > 1: raise Exception mod[i + 1] = amp + amp * sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) else: if i != len(ISI): isi_mean = np.mean(ISI[i - consecutive + 1 : i + 1]) else: isi_mean = np.mean(ISI[i - consecutive + 1 :]) amp = (isi_mean / float(consecutive)) ** exp * (1.0 / max_burst_duration.magnitude**exp) # scale std by amp mod[i + 1] = amp + amp * sdrand * np.random.randn(n_el) cons[i + 1] = consecutive return np.array(mod), cons def compute_bursting_template(template, mod, wc_mod, filtfilt=False): """ Compute modulation in shape for a template with low-pass filter. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Template to be modulated (num_chan, n_samples) or (n_samples) mod : int or np.array Amplitude modulation for template or single electrodes wc_mod : float Normalized frequency of low-pass filter filtfilt: bool If True forward-backward filter is used Returns ------- temp_filt : np.array Modulated template """ import scipy.signal as ss b, a = ss.butter(3, wc_mod) if len(template.shape) == 2: if filtfilt: temp_filt = ss.filtfilt(b, a, template, axis=1) else: temp_filt = ss.lfilter(b, a, template, axis=1) if mod.size > 1: temp_filt = np.array( [m * np.min(temp) / np.min(temp_f) * temp_f for (m, temp, temp_f) in zip(mod, template, temp_filt)] ) else: temp_filt = (mod * np.min(template) / np.min(temp_filt)) * temp_filt else: if filtfilt: temp_filt = ss.filtfilt(b, a, template) else: temp_filt = ss.lfilter(b, a, template) temp_filt = (mod * np.min(template) / np.min(temp_filt)) * temp_filt return temp_filt def sigmoid(x, b=1): """ Compute sigmoid function Parameters ---------- x: np.array Array to compute sigmoid b: float Sigmoid slope Returns ------- x_sig: np.array Output sigmoid array """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-b * x)) - 0.5 def compute_stretched_template(template, mod, shape_stretch=30.0): """ Compute modulation in shape for a template with low-pass filter. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Template to be modulated (num_chan, n_samples) or (n_samples) mod : int or np.array Amplitude modulation for template or single electrodes shape_stretch : float Sigmoid range to stretch the template Returns ------- temp_filt : np.array Modulated template """ import scipy.interpolate as interp if isinstance(mod, (int, np.integer)): mod = np.array(mod) if mod.size > 1: stretch_factor = np.mean(mod) mod_value = np.mean(mod) else: stretch_factor = mod mod_value = mod if len(template.shape) == 2: min_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(template), template.shape)[1] x_centered = np.arange(-min_idx, template.shape[1] - min_idx) x_centered = x_centered / float(np.ptp(x_centered)) x_centered = x_centered * shape_stretch if stretch_factor >= 1: x_stretch = x_centered else: x_stretch = sigmoid(x_centered, 1 - stretch_factor) x_stretch = x_stretch / float(np.ptp(x_stretch)) x_stretch *= shape_stretch + (np.min(x_centered) - np.min(x_stretch)) x_recovered = np.max(x_stretch) / np.max(x_centered) * x_centered x_stretch = np.round(x_stretch, 6) x_recovered = np.round(x_recovered, 6) temp_filt = np.zeros(template.shape) for i, t in enumerate(template): try: f = interp.interp1d(x_stretch, t, kind="cubic") temp_filt[i] = f(x_recovered) except Exception as e: raise Exception("'shape_stretch' is too large. Try reducing it (default = 30)") if mod.size > 1: temp_filt = np.array( [m * np.min(temp) / np.min(temp_f) * temp_f for (m, temp, temp_f) in zip(mod, template, temp_filt)] ) else: temp_filt = (mod * np.min(template) / np.min(temp_filt)) * temp_filt else: min_idx = np.argmin(template) x_centered = np.arange(-min_idx, len(template) - min_idx) x_centered = x_centered / float(np.ptp(x_centered)) x_centered = x_centered * shape_stretch if stretch_factor >= 1: x_stretch = x_centered else: x_stretch = sigmoid(x_centered, 1 - stretch_factor) x_stretch = x_stretch / float(np.ptp(x_stretch)) x_stretch *= shape_stretch + (np.min(x_centered) - np.min(x_stretch)) x_recovered = np.max(x_stretch) / np.max(x_centered) * x_centered x_stretch = np.round(x_stretch, 6) x_recovered = np.round(x_recovered, 6) try: f = interp.interp1d(x_stretch, template, kind="cubic") temp_filt = f(x_recovered) except Exception as e: raise Exception("'shape_stretch' is too large. Try reducing it (default = 30)") temp_filt = (mod_value * np.min(template) / np.min(temp_filt)) * temp_filt return temp_filt def convolve_single_template( spike_id, st_idx, template, n_samples, cut_out=None, modulation=False, mod_array=None, bursting=False, shape_stretch=None, ): """Convolve single template with spike train. Used to compute 'spike_traces'. Parameters ---------- spike_id : int Index of spike trains - template. st_idx : np.array Spike times template : np.array Array with single template n_samples : int Number of samples in chunk cut_out : list Number of samples before and after the peak modulation : bool If True modulation is applied mod_array : np.array Array with modulation value for each spike bursting : bool If True templates are modulated in shape shape_stretch : float Range of sigmoid transform for bursting shape stretch Returns ------- spike_trace : np.array Trace with convolved signal (n_samples) """ if len(template.shape) == 2: njitt = template.shape[0] len_spike = template.shape[1] if cut_out is None: cut_out = [len_spike // 2, len_spike // 2] spike_trace = np.zeros(n_samples) if len(template.shape) == 2: rand_idx = np.random.randint(njitt) temp_jitt = template[rand_idx] for pos, spos in enumerate(st_idx): if not modulation: if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike <= n_samples: spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] : spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += temp_jitt elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) spike_trace[: spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += temp_jitt[diff:] else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] :] += temp_jitt[:diff] else: if bursting: if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike <= n_samples: spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] : spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += compute_stretched_template( temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch ) elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) temp_filt = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch) spike_trace[: spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += temp_filt[diff:] else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) temp_filt = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch) spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] :] += temp_filt[:diff] else: if mod_array[pos].size > 1: mod_value = np.mean(mod_array[pos]) else: mod_value = mod_array[pos] if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike <= n_samples: spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] : spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += mod_value * temp_jitt elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) spike_trace[: spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike] += mod_value * temp_jitt[diff:] else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) spike_trace[spos - cut_out[0] :] += mod_value * temp_jitt[:diff] else: raise Exception("For drifting len(template.shape) should be 2") return spike_trace def convolve_templates_spiketrains( spike_id, st_idx, template, n_samples, cut_out=None, modulation=False, mod_array=None, verbose=False, bursting=False, shape_stretch=None, max_channels_per_template=None, recordings=None, drift_idxs=None, ): # , drift_vector=None, drift_fs=None): """ Convolve template with spike train on all electrodes. Used to compute 'recordings'. Parameters ---------- spike_id : int Index of spike trains - template. st_idx : np.array Spike times template : np.array Array with template n_samples : int Number of samples in chunk fs : float Sampling frequency in Hz cut_out : list Number of samples before and after the peak modulation : bool If True modulation is applied mod_array : np.array Array with modulation value for each spike verbose : bool If True output is verbose bursting : bool If True templates are modulated in shape shape_stretch : float Range of sigmoid transform for bursting shape stretch max_channels_per_template : np.array Maximum number of channels to be convolved recordings : np.arrays Array to use for recordings. If None it is created drift_vector: None or np.array 1d Optionally the drift vector related to the chunk!!! drift_fs: None or float Sampling frequency of the drift signal Returns ------- recordings: np.array Trace with convolved signals (n_elec, n_samples) """ # drifting = drift_vector is not None drifting = drift_idxs is not None if drifting: assert template.ndim == 4 else: assert template.ndim == 3 if verbose: print("Convolution with spike:", spike_id) if drifting: drift_steps = template.shape[0] n_jitt = template.shape[1] n_elec = template.shape[2] len_spike = template.shape[3] drift_idxs = drift_idxs.clip(0, drift_steps - 1) else: n_jitt = template.shape[0] n_elec = template.shape[1] len_spike = template.shape[2] if recordings is None: recordings = np.zeros((n_samples, n_elec)) else: assert recordings.shape == (n_samples, n_elec), "'recordings' has the wrong shape" dtype = recordings.dtype if cut_out is None: cut_out = [len_spike // 2, len_spike // 2] if not modulation: # No modulation mod_array = np.ones_like(st_idx) else: assert mod_array is not None, " For 'electrode' and 'template' modulations provide 'mod_array'" for pos, spos in enumerate(st_idx): rand_idx = np.random.randint(n_jitt) if drifting: drift_ind = drift_idxs[pos] # int(spos / fs * drift_fs) # drift_ind = drift_vector[spos_drift] temp_jitt = template[drift_ind, rand_idx] else: temp_jitt = template[rand_idx] if max_channels_per_template is None: elec_idxs = np.arange(n_elec) else: # find max channels peak_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(np.abs(temp_jitt)), temp_jitt.shape)[1] elec_idxs = np.argsort(np.abs(temp_jitt[:, peak_idx]))[::-1][:max_channels_per_template] temp_jitt = temp_jitt[elec_idxs] if bursting: if not isinstance(mod_array[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): # template if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike <= n_samples: snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch).T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] : spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch)[:, diff:].T recordings[: spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch)[:, :diff].T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] :, elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: # electrode if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos - cut_out[0] + len_spike <= n_samples: snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch).T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] : spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch)[:, diff:].T recordings[: spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = compute_stretched_template(temp_jitt, mod_array[pos], shape_stretch)[:, :diff].T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] :, elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: if not isinstance(mod_array[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): # template + none if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos + cut_out[1] <= n_samples: snippet = mod_array[pos] * temp_jitt.T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] : spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = mod_array[pos] * temp_jitt[:, diff:].T recordings[: spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = mod_array[pos] * temp_jitt[:, :diff].T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] :, elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: # electrode if spos - cut_out[0] >= 0 and spos + cut_out[1] <= n_samples: snippet = np.array([a * t for (a, t) in zip(mod_array[pos], temp_jitt)]).T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] : spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) elif spos - cut_out[0] < 0: diff = -(spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = np.array([a * t for (a, t) in zip(mod_array[pos], temp_jitt[:, diff:])]).T recordings[: spos + cut_out[1], elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) else: diff = n_samples - (spos - cut_out[0]) snippet = np.array([a * t for (a, t) in zip(mod_array[pos], temp_jitt[:, :diff])]).T recordings[spos - cut_out[0] :, elec_idxs] += snippet.astype(dtype) return recordings def compute_drift_idxs_from_drift_list(spike_index, spike_train_frames, drift_list, fs): # pre-compute drift idxs drift_idxs_displacements = np.zeros(len(spike_train_frames), dtype="int16") spike_times = spike_train_frames / fs mid_point_idx = drift_list[0]["drift_steps"] // 2 for drift_dict in drift_list: drift_vector_idxs = np.array(drift_dict["drift_vector_idxs"]) # 0 - num_steps drift_fs = drift_dict["drift_fs"] drift_factors = drift_dict["drift_factors"] drift_times = drift_dict["drift_times"] if drift_times is not None: # drift is only in a period spike_mask = np.logical_and(spike_times >= drift_times[0], spike_times <= drift_times[-1]) drift_spike_idxs = np.searchsorted(drift_times, spike_times[spike_mask]) else: # drift vector covers entire recording spike_mask = np.ones(len(spike_times), dtype=bool) drift_spike_idxs = (spike_times * drift_fs).astype("int") drift_idxs_disp_i = drift_vector_idxs[drift_spike_idxs] drift_idxs_displacements[spike_mask] += (drift_idxs_disp_i * drift_factors[spike_index]).astype("int16") drift_idxs = (drift_idxs_displacements + mid_point_idx).astype("uint16") return drift_idxs def extract_units_drift_vector(mearec_file=None, recgen=None, time_vector=None): """ Retrieve drift vector per units. Internally vector drift vector per units is constructed with a linear sum of of drift index multiplied by a factor per cell. Then this drift index is converted to micrometer given the cell locations. Here `time_vector` is assumed to be the center of the bins (even if internally evreything is floored to the left of the bin) Parameters ---------- mearec_file: str or None The MEArec filename recgen: RecordingGenerator or None The RecordingGenerator time_vector: array or None An external time vector to interpolate dirft. If None the internal drift vector with hihest fs is used. Returns ------- units_drift_vectors: array the drift vector in micro meters shape (n_time_bin, n_units) time_vector: array time vector in second shape (n_time_bin, n_units) """ import scipy.interpolate if mearec_file is not None: recgen = load_recordings(mearec_file) drift_list = recgen.drift_list locations = np.array(recgen.template_locations) if time_vector is None: # the main times constructed from the first drift best = np.argmax([d["drift_fs"] for d in drift_list]) drift_dict = drift_list[best] main_fs = drift_dict["drift_fs"] length = len(drift_list[best]["drift_vector_idxs"]) time_vector = np.arange(length) / main_fs else: main_fs = np.median(np.diff(time_vector)) # interpolate drift_vector_idxs on the same clock for drift_dict in drift_list: drift_vector_idxs = np.array(drift_dict["drift_vector_idxs"]) drift_fs = drift_dict["drift_fs"] if drift_fs == main_fs and drift_vector_idxs.shape[0] == time_vector.shape[0]: # no interpolation needed interpolated_drift_vector_idxs = drift_vector_idxs else: # linear interpolation on the timevector # note that we use the center of the bins here local_times = np.arange(drift_vector_idxs.shape[0]) / drift_fs + 0.5 / drift_fs f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(local_times, drift_vector_idxs) interpolated_drift_vector_idxs = f(time_vector) drift_dict["interpolated_drift_vector_idxs"] = interpolated_drift_vector_idxs n_units = len(recgen.spiketrains) units_drift_vectors = np.zeros((time_vector.size, n_units), dtype="float32") mid_point_idx = drift_list[0]["drift_steps"] // 2 for unit_index in range(n_units): summed_drift_idxs = np.zeros(time_vector.size, dtype="int16") for drift_dict in drift_list: interpolated_drift_vector_idxs = drift_dict["interpolated_drift_vector_idxs"] drift_factors = drift_dict["drift_factors"] summed_drift_idxs += ((interpolated_drift_vector_idxs) * drift_factors[unit_index]).astype("int16") summed_drift_idxs = (summed_drift_idxs + mid_point_idx).astype("uint16") locs = locations[unit_index, :, 2] units_drift_vectors[:, unit_index] = locs[summed_drift_idxs] return units_drift_vectors, time_vector ### RECORDING OPERATION ### def extract_wf(spiketrains, recordings, fs, cut_out=2, timestamps=None): """ Extract waveforms from recordings and load it in waveform field of neo spike trains. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list List of neo spike trains recordings : np.array Array with recordings (n_samples, n_elec) fs : Quantity Sampling frequency cut_out : float or list Length in ms to cut before and after spike peak. If a single value the cut is symmetrical timestamps : Quantity array (optional) Array with recordings timestamps """ if cut_out is None: cut_out = 2 if not isinstance(cut_out, list): n_pad = int(cut_out * * fs.rescale("kHz")) n_pad = [n_pad, n_pad] else: n_pad = [int(p * * fs.rescale("kHz")) for p in cut_out] n_samples, n_elec = recordings.shape if timestamps is None: timestamps = np.arange(n_samples) / fs.rescale("Hz") unit = timestamps[0].rescale("ms").units for st in spiketrains: sp_rec_wf = [] sp_amp = [] for t in st: idx = np.where(timestamps >= t)[0] if len(idx) > 0: idx = idx[0] else: idx = len(timestamps) - 1 # find single waveforms crossing thresholds if idx - n_pad[0] > 0 and idx + n_pad[1] < n_samples: spike_rec = recordings[idx - n_pad[0] : idx + n_pad[1]] elif idx - n_pad[0] < 0: spike_rec = recordings[: idx + n_pad[1]] spike_rec = np.pad(spike_rec, ((np.abs(idx - n_pad[0]), 0), (0, 0)), "constant") elif idx + n_pad[1] > n_samples: spike_rec = recordings[idx - n_pad[0] :] spike_rec = np.pad(spike_rec, ((0, idx + n_pad[1] - n_samples), (0, 0)), "constant") sp_rec_wf.append(spike_rec.T) st.waveforms = np.array(sp_rec_wf) def filter_analog_signals(signals, freq, fs, filter_type="bandpass", mode="filtfilt", order=3): """ Filter analog signals with zero-phase Butterworth filter. The function raises an Exception if the required filter is not stable. Parameters ---------- signals : np.array Array of analog signals (n_samples, n_elec) freq : list or float Cutoff frequency-ies in Hz fs : Quantity Sampling frequency filter_type : str Filter type ('lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop') mode : str Filtering mode ('filtfilt', 'lfilter') order : int Filter order Returns ------- signals_filt : np.array Filtered signals """ from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, lfilter fn = fs / 2.0 freq = freq.rescale(pq.Hz) band = freq / fn assert mode in ["filtfilt", "lfilter"], "Filtering mode not recognized" if mode == "filtfilt": filter_func = filtfilt elif mode == "lfilter": filter_func = lfilter b, a = butter(order, band, btype=filter_type) if np.all(np.abs(np.roots(a)) < 1) and np.all(np.abs(np.roots(a)) < 1): # print('Filtering signals with ', filter_type, ' filter at ', freq, '...') if len(signals.shape) == 2: signals_filt = filter_func(b, a, signals, axis=0) elif len(signals.shape) == 1: signals_filt = filter_func(b, a, signals) return signals_filt else: raise ValueError("Filter is not stable") ### PLOTTING ###
[docs]def plot_rasters( spiketrains, cell_type=False, ax=None, overlap=False, color=None, fs=10, marker="|", mew=2, markersize=5 ): """ Plot raster for spike trains. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list List of neo spike trains cell_type : bool If True and 'bintype' in spike train annotation spike trains are plotted based on their type ax : axes Plot on the given axes overlap : bool Plot spike colors based on overlap labels : bool Plot spike colors based on labels color : matplotlib color (single or list) Color or color list fs : int Font size marker : matplotlib arg Marker type mew : matplotlib arg Width of marker markersize : int Marker size Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if overlap: if "overlap" not in spiketrains[0].annotations.keys(): raise Exception() for i, spiketrain in enumerate(spiketrains): t = spiketrain.rescale(pq.s) if cell_type: if "cell_type" in spiketrain.annotations.keys(): if spiketrain.annotations["cell_type"] == "E": ax.plot(t, i * np.ones_like(t), "b", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") elif spiketrain.annotations["cell_type"] == "I": ax.plot(t, i * np.ones_like(t), "r", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") else: if color is not None: if isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, np.ndarray): ax.plot( t, i * np.ones_like(t), color=color[i], marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="" ) else: ax.plot( t, i * np.ones_like(t), color=color, marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="" ) else: ax.plot(t, i * np.ones_like(t), "k", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") else: if not overlap: if color is not None: if isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, np.ndarray): ax.plot( t, i * np.ones_like(t), color=color[i], marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="" ) else: ax.plot( t, i * np.ones_like(t), color=color, marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="" ) else: ax.plot(t, i * np.ones_like(t), "k", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") elif overlap: for j, t_sp in enumerate(spiketrain): if spiketrain.annotations["overlap"][j] == "STO": ax.plot(t_sp, i, "r", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") elif spiketrain.annotations["overlap"][j] == "TO": ax.plot(t_sp, i, "g", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") elif spiketrain.annotations["overlap"][j] == "NO": ax.plot(t_sp, i, "k", marker=marker, mew=mew, markersize=markersize, ls="") ax.axis("tight") ax.set_xlim([spiketrains[0].t_start.rescale(pq.s), spiketrains[0].t_stop.rescale(pq.s)]) ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel("Spike Train Index", fontsize=fs) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(spiketrains))) ax.set_yticklabels(np.arange(len(spiketrains))) return ax
[docs]def plot_templates( gen, template_ids=None, single_jitter=True, ax=None, single_axes=False, max_templates=None, drifting=False, cmap=None, ncols=6, **kwargs, ): """ Plot templates. Parameters ---------- gen : TemplateGenerator or RecordingGenerator Generator object containing templates template_ids : int or list The template(s) to plot single_axes : bool If True all templates are plotted on the same axis ax : axis Matplotlib axis single_jitter: bool If True and jittered templates are present, a single jittered template is plotted max_templates: int Maximum number of templates to be plotted drifting: bool If True and templates are drifting, drifting templates are displayed cmap : matplotlib colormap Colormap to be used ncols : int Number of columns for subplots Returns ------- ax : ax Matplotlib axes """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt from matplotlib import gridspec templates = gen.templates mea = mu.return_mea(["electrodes"]) if "params" in if["params"]["drifting"]: if not drifting: templates = templates[:, 0] if "recordings" in if["recordings"]["drifting"]: if single_jitter: if not drifting: if len(templates.shape) == 5: templates = templates[:, 0, 0] else: templates = templates[:, 0] else: if len(templates.shape) == 5: templates = templates[:, :, 0] else: if not drifting: if len(templates.shape) == 5: templates = templates[:, 0] else: if single_jitter: if len(templates.shape) == 4: templates = templates[:, 0] if drifting: assert isinstance(template_ids, (int, np.integer)), ( "When plotting drifting templates, 'template_ids' should " "be a single index (int)" ) single_axes = True if template_ids is not None: if isinstance(template_ids, (int, np.integer)): template_ids = list(np.array([template_ids])) elif isinstance(template_ids, list): template_ids = list(np.array(template_ids)) else: template_ids = list(np.arange(templates.shape[0])) if max_templates is not None: if max_templates < len(templates): random_idxs = np.random.permutation(len(templates)) template_ids = np.arange(templates.shape[0])[random_idxs][:max_templates] # templates = templates[random_idxs][:max_templates] n_sources = len(template_ids) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if "vscale" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["vscale"] = 1.5 * np.max(np.abs(templates[template_ids])) if single_axes: if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / len(template_ids)) for i in np.arange(len(template_ids))] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] for n, t in enumerate(templates): if n in template_ids: if len(t.shape) == 3: if not drifting: mu.plot_mea_recording( t.mean(axis=0), mea, colors=colors[np.mod(n, len(colors))], ax=ax, **kwargs ) else: if cmap is None: cmap = "Reds" cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / t.shape[0]) for i in np.arange(t.shape[0])] mu.plot_mea_recording(t, mea, colors=colors, ax=ax, **kwargs) else: mu.plot_mea_recording(t, mea, colors=colors[np.mod(n, len(colors))], ax=ax, **kwargs) else: if n_sources > ncols: nrows = int(np.ceil(len(template_ids) / ncols)) else: nrows = 1 ncols = n_sources if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / len(template_ids)) for i in np.arange(len(template_ids))] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=ax) for i_n, n in enumerate(template_ids): r = i_n // ncols c = np.mod(i_n, ncols) gs_sel = gs[r, c] ax_t = fig.add_subplot(gs_sel) if cmap is not None: mu.plot_mea_recording(templates[n], mea, ax=ax_t, colors=colors[i_n], **kwargs) else: mu.plot_mea_recording(templates[n], mea, ax=ax_t, colors=colors[np.mod(i_n, len(colors))], **kwargs) ax.axis("off") return ax
[docs]def plot_recordings( recgen, ax=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, overlay_templates=False, n_templates=None, max_channels_per_template=16, cmap=None, templates_lw=1, **kwargs, ): """ Plot recordings. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator Recording generator object to plot ax : axis Matplotlib axis start_time : float Start time to plot recordings in s end_time : float End time to plot recordings in s overlay_templates : bool If True, templates are overlaid on the recordings n_templates : int Number of templates to overlay (if overlay_templates is True) max_channels_per_template : int Number of maximum channels in which the template is overlaid cmap : matplotlib colormap Colormap to be used Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt recordings = recgen.recordings mea = mu.return_mea(["electrodes"]) fs =["recordings"]["fs"] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if start_time is None: start_frame = 0 else: start_frame = int(start_time * fs) if end_time is None: end_frame = recordings.shape[0] else: end_frame = int(end_time * fs) if max_channels_per_template is None: max_channels_per_template = len(recordings) if "vscale" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["vscale"] = 1.5 * np.max(np.abs(recordings)) mu.plot_mea_recording(recordings[start_frame:end_frame, :].T, mea, ax=ax, **kwargs) if overlay_templates: if "lw" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["lw"] = templates_lw fs =["recordings"]["fs"] * pq.Hz if n_templates is None: template_ids = np.arange(len(recgen.templates)) else: template_ids = np.random.permutation(len(recgen.templates))[:n_templates] cut_out_samples = [ int((c + p) * fs.rescale("kHz").magnitude) for (c, p) in zip(["templates"]["cut_out"],["templates"]["pad_len"]) ] spike_idxs = [] for st in recgen.spiketrains: spike_idxs.append((st.times * fs).magnitude.astype("int")) n_samples = recordings.shape[0] if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors_t = [cm(i / len(template_ids)) for i in np.arange(len(template_ids))] else: colors_t = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] i_col = 0 if "lw" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["lw"] = 1 if "colors" in kwargs.keys(): del kwargs["colors"] # for i, (sp, t) in enumerate(zip(spike_idxs, recgen.templates)): for i, sp in enumerate(spike_idxs): if i in template_ids: template = recgen.templates[i] sp_frames = sp * fs if recgen.drift_list is None: drift_idxs = None else: drift_idxs = compute_drift_idxs_from_drift_list(i, sp_frames, recgen.drift_list, fs) rec_t = convolve_templates_spiketrains( i, sp, template, n_samples, max_channels_per_template=max_channels_per_template, cut_out=cut_out_samples, drift_idxs=drift_idxs, ).T rec_t[np.abs(rec_t) < 1e-4] = np.nan mu.plot_mea_recording( rec_t[:, start_frame:end_frame], mea, ax=ax, colors=colors_t[np.mod(i_col, len(colors_t))], **kwargs ) i_col += 1 del rec_t return ax
[docs]def plot_waveforms( recgen, spiketrain_id=None, ax=None, color=None, cmap=None, electrode=None, max_waveforms=None, ncols=6, cut_out=2 ): """ Plot waveforms of a spike train. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator Recording generator object to plot spike train waveform from spiketrain_id : int or list Indexes of spike trains ax : axis Matplotlib axis color : matplotlib color Color of the waveforms cmap : matplotlib colormap Colormap to be used electrode : int or 'max' Electrode id or 'max' ncols : int Number of columns for subplots cut_out : float or list Cut outs in ms for waveforms (if not computed). If float the cut out is symmetrical. Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis """ import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pylab as plt if spiketrain_id is None: spiketrain_id = np.arange(len(recgen.spiketrains)) elif isinstance(spiketrain_id, (int, np.integer)): spiketrain_id = [spiketrain_id] n_units = len(spiketrain_id) waveforms = [] for sp in spiketrain_id: wf = recgen.spiketrains[sp].waveforms if wf is None: fs =["recordings"]["fs"] * pq.Hz extract_wf([recgen.spiketrains[sp]], recgen.recordings, fs, cut_out=cut_out) wf = recgen.spiketrains[sp].waveforms waveforms.append(wf) mea = mu.return_mea(["electrodes"]) if max_waveforms is not None: for i, wf in enumerate(waveforms): if len(wf) > max_waveforms: waveforms[i] = wf[np.random.permutation(len(wf))][:max_waveforms] if n_units > 1: if color is None: if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / n_units) for i in np.arange(n_units)] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] else: colors = [color] * n_units else: colors = "k" if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if electrode is None: if n_units > ncols: nrows = int(np.ceil(n_units / ncols)) else: nrows = 1 ncols = n_units gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=ax) for i, wf in enumerate(waveforms): r = i // ncols c = np.mod(i, ncols) gs_sel = gs[r, c] ax_t = fig.add_subplot(gs_sel) vscale = 1.5 * np.max(np.abs(wf)) ax_t = mu.plot_mea_recording(wf, mea, colors=colors[i], ax=ax_t, lw=0.1, vscale=vscale) ax_t = mu.plot_mea_recording(wf.mean(axis=0), mea, colors=colors[i], ax=ax_t, lw=2, vscale=vscale) else: assert isinstance(electrode, (int, np.integer)) or electrode == "max", "electrode must be int or 'max'" if len(spiketrain_id) > ncols: nrows = int(np.ceil(len(spiketrain_id) / ncols)) else: nrows = 1 ncols = len(spiketrain_id) gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=ax) # find ylim min_wf = 0 max_wf = 0 for wf in waveforms: wf_mean = wf.mean(axis=0) if np.min(wf_mean) < min_wf: min_wf = np.min(wf_mean) if np.max(wf_mean) > max_wf: max_wf = np.max(wf_mean) ylim = [min_wf - 0.2 * abs(min_wf), max_wf + 0.2 * abs(min_wf)] for i, wf in enumerate(waveforms): r = i // ncols c = np.mod(i, ncols) gs_sel = gs[r, c] ax_sel = fig.add_subplot(gs_sel) if electrode == "max": electrode_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(wf.mean(axis=0)), wf.mean(axis=0).shape)[0] print("max electrode: ", electrode_idx) else: electrode_idx = electrode if i == 0: ax_sel.set_ylabel("voltage ($\\mu$V)", fontsize=15) ax_sel.plot(wf[:, electrode_idx].T, color=colors[np.mod(i, len(colors))], lw=0.1) ax_sel.plot(wf[:, electrode_idx].mean(axis=0), color="k", lw=1) ax_sel.set_title("Unit " + str(i) + " - Ch. " + str(electrode_idx), fontsize=12) ax_sel.set_ylim(ylim) if c != 0: ax_sel.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax_sel.set_yticks([]) ax_sel.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax_sel.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.axis("off") return ax
[docs]def plot_amplitudes( recgen, spiketrain_id=None, electrode=None, ax=None, color=None, cmap=None, single_axes=True, marker="*", ms=5, ncols=6, ): """ Plot waveform amplitudes over time. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator Recording generator object to plot spike train waveform from spiketrain_id : int or list Indexes of spike trains electrode : int or 'max' Electrode id or 'max' ax : axis Matplotlib axis color : matplotlib color Color of the waveform amplitudes cmap : matplotlib colormap Colormap to be used single_axes : bool If True all templates are plotted on the same axis marker : str Matplotlib marker (default '*') ms : int Markersize (default 5) ncols : int Number of columns for subplots Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis """ import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pylab as plt if spiketrain_id is None: spiketrain_id = np.arange(len(recgen.spiketrains)) elif isinstance(spiketrain_id, (int, np.integer)): spiketrain_id = [spiketrain_id] n_units = len(spiketrain_id) if electrode is None: electrode = "max" waveforms = [] for sp in spiketrain_id: wf = recgen.spiketrains[sp].waveforms if wf is None: fs =["recordings"]["fs"] * pq.Hz extract_wf([recgen.spiketrains[sp]], recgen.recordings, fs) wf = recgen.spiketrains[sp].waveforms waveforms.append(wf) if n_units > 1: if color is None: if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / n_units) for i in np.arange(n_units)] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] else: if color is None: colors = "k" else: colors = color if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() amps = [] for i, id in enumerate(spiketrain_id): st = recgen.spiketrains[id] wf = st.waveforms mwf = np.mean(wf, axis=0) if electrode == "max": max_elec = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(mwf), mwf.shape)[0] print("Max electrode", max_elec) else: assert isinstance(electrode, (int, np.integer)), "'electrode' can be 'max' or type int" max_elec = electrode amps.append(np.array([np.min(w[max_elec]) for w in wf])) if single_axes: for i_n, n in enumerate(spiketrain_id): amp = amps[i_n] st = recgen.spiketrains[n] ax.plot(st, amp, marker=marker, ms=ms, color=colors[i_n], ls="") else: if n_units > ncols: nrows = int(np.ceil(len(spiketrain_id) / ncols)) else: nrows = 1 ncols = n_units gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=ax) for i_n, n in enumerate(spiketrain_id): r = i_n // ncols c = np.mod(i_n, ncols) gs_sel = gs[r, c] ax_amp = fig.add_subplot(gs_sel) amp = amps[i_n] st = recgen.spiketrains[n] ax_amp.plot(st, amp, marker=marker, ms=ms, color=colors[i_n], ls="") ax.axis("off") return ax
[docs]def plot_pca_map( recgen, n_pc=2, max_elec=None, cmap="rainbow", cut_out=2, n_units=None, ax=None, whiten=False, pc_comp=None ): """ Plots a PCA map of the waveforms. Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator Recording generator object to plot PCA scores of ax : axis Matplotlib axis n_pc : int Number of principal components (default 2) max_elec : int Max number of electrodes to plot cmap : matplotlib colormap Colormap to be used cut_out : float or list Cut outs in ms for waveforms (if not computed). If float the cut out is symmetrical. n_units whiten : bool If True, PCA scores are whitened pc_comp : np.array PC component matrix to be used. Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis pca_scores : list List of np.arrays with pca scores for the different units pca_component : np.array PCA components matrix (n_pc, n_waveform_timepoints) """ try: from sklearn.decomposition import PCA except: raise Exception("'plot_pca_map' requires scikit-learn package") import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pylab as plt waveforms = [] n_spikes = [] if n_units is None: n_units = len(recgen.spiketrains) if recgen.spiketrains[0].waveforms is None: print("Computing waveforms") recgen.extract_waveforms(cut_out=cut_out) for st in recgen.spiketrains: wf = st.waveforms waveforms.append(wf) n_elec = waveforms[0].shape[1] if n_pc == 1: pc_dims = [0] elif n_pc > 1: pc_dims = np.arange(n_pc) else: pc_dims = [0] if max_elec is not None and max_elec < n_elec: if max_elec == 1: elec_dims = [np.random.randint(n_elec)] elif max_elec > 1: elec_dims = np.random.permutation(np.arange(n_elec))[:max_elec] else: elec_dims = [np.random.randint(n_elec)] else: elec_dims = np.arange(n_elec) for i_w, wf in enumerate(waveforms): # wf_reshaped = wf.reshape((wf.shape[0] * wf.shape[1], wf.shape[2])) wf_reshaped = wf.reshape((wf.shape[0] * wf.shape[1], wf.shape[2])) n_spikes.append(len(wf) * n_elec) if i_w == 0: all_waveforms = wf_reshaped else: all_waveforms = np.vstack((all_waveforms, wf_reshaped)) if pc_comp is None: compute_pca = True elif pc_comp.shape == (n_pc, all_waveforms.shape[1]): compute_pca = False else: print("'pc_comp' has wrong dimensions. Recomputing PCA") compute_pca = True if compute_pca: print("Fitting PCA of %d dimensions on %d waveforms" % (n_pc, len(all_waveforms))) pca = PCA(n_components=n_pc, whiten=whiten) # pca.fit_transform(all_waveforms) pc_comp = pca.components_ pca_scores = [] for st in recgen.spiketrains: pct =, pc_comp.T) if whiten: pct /= np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_) pca_scores.append(pct) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.axis("off") if cmap is not None: cm = plt.get_cmap(cmap) colors = [cm(i / n_units) for i in np.arange(n_units)] else: colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] nrows = len(pc_dims) * len(elec_dims) ncols = nrows gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=ax) for p1 in pc_dims: for i1, ch1 in enumerate(elec_dims): for p2 in pc_dims: for i2, ch2 in enumerate(elec_dims): r = n_pc * i1 + p1 c = n_pc * i2 + p2 gs_sel = gs[r, c] ax_sel = fig.add_subplot(gs_sel) if c < r: ax_sel.axis("off") else: if r == 0: ax_sel.set_xlabel("Ch." + str(ch2 + 1) + ":PC" + str(p2 + 1)) ax_sel.xaxis.set_label_position("top") ax_sel.set_xticks([]) ax_sel.set_yticks([]) ax_sel.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax_sel.spines["top"].set_visible(False) for i, pc in enumerate(pca_scores): if i1 == i2 and p1 == p2: h, b, _ = ax_sel.hist(pc[:, i1, p1], bins=50, alpha=0.6, color=colors[i], density=True) ax_sel.set_ylabel("Ch." + str(ch1 + 1) + ":PC" + str(p1 + 1)) else: ax_sel.plot( pc[:, i2, p2], pc[:, i1, p1], marker="o", ms=1, ls="", alpha=0.5, color=colors[i] ) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02) return ax, pca_scores, pc_comp
def plot_cell_drifts(recgen, ax=None): """ Plot drifting positions for all cells Parameters ---------- recgen : RecordingGenerator Recording generator object ax : axis Matplotlib axis Returns ------- ax : axis Matplotlib axis """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() assert recgen.drift_list is not None, "No drift info is available" drift_list = recgen.drift_list fs =["recordings"]["fs"] locations = recgen.template_locations drift_steps = locations.shape[1] for i, st in enumerate(recgen.spiketrains): spike_indices = (st.magnitude * fs).astype("int") drift_idxs = compute_drift_idxs_from_drift_list(i, spike_indices, drift_list, fs) drift_idxs = drift_idxs.clip(0, drift_steps - 1) loc = locations[i] drifting = False if "drifting" in st.annotations: if st.annotations["drifting"]: drifting = True if drifting: loc_drift = loc[drift_idxs, 2] else: n_steps = loc.shape[0] loc_drift = [loc[n_steps // 2, 2]] * len(st.magnitude) ax.plot(st.magnitude, loc_drift, label=f"Unit {i}") ax.legend() return ax ######### HELPER FUNCTIONS ######### def _resample_parallel(i, template, up, down, drifting): """ Resamples a template to a specified sampling frequency. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Array with one template (n_channels, n_samples) or (n_drift, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting up : float The original sampling frequency in Hz down : float The new sampling frequency in Hz drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting Returns ------- template_rs : np.array Array with resampled template (n_channels, n_resample) or (n_drift, n_channels, n_resample) """ if not drifting: tem_poly = ss.resample_poly(template, up, down, axis=1) else: tem_poly = ss.resample_poly(template, up, down, axis=2) return tem_poly def _jitter_parallel(i, template, upsample, fs, n_jitters, jitter, drifting, verbose, templates_jitter): """ Adds jittered replicas to one template. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Array with templates (n_channels, n_samples) or (n_drift, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting upsample : int Factor for upsampling the templates n_jitters : int Number of jittered copies for each template jitter : quantity Jitter in time for shifting the template drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting verbose : bool If True output is verbose Returns ------- template_jitt : np.array Array with one jittered template (n_jitters, n_channels, n_samples) or (n_drift, n_jitters, n_channels, n_samples) if drifting """ rng = np.random.RandomState(i) if not drifting: template_jitter = np.zeros((n_jitters, template.shape[0], template.shape[1])) temp_up = ss.resample_poly(template, upsample, 1, axis=1) nsamples_up = temp_up.shape[1] for n in np.arange(n_jitters): # align waveform shift = int((jitter * (rng.rand() - 0.5) * upsample * fs).magnitude) if shift > 0: t_jitt = np.pad(temp_up, [(0, 0), (np.abs(shift), 0)], "constant")[:, :nsamples_up] elif shift < 0: t_jitt = np.pad(temp_up, [(0, 0), (0, np.abs(shift))], "constant")[:, -nsamples_up:] else: t_jitt = temp_up temp_down = t_jitt[:, ::upsample] template_jitter[n] = temp_down else: if verbose: print("Jittering: neuron ", i) template_jitter = np.zeros((template.shape[0], n_jitters, template.shape[1], template.shape[2])) for tp, tem_p in enumerate(template): temp_up = ss.resample_poly(tem_p, upsample, 1, axis=1) nsamples_up = temp_up.shape[1] for n in np.arange(n_jitters): # align waveform shift = int((jitter * rng.rand() * upsample * fs).magnitude) if shift > 0: t_jitt = np.pad(temp_up, [(0, 0), (np.abs(shift), 0)], "constant")[:, :nsamples_up] elif shift < 0: t_jitt = np.pad(temp_up, [(0, 0), (0, np.abs(shift))], "constant")[:, -nsamples_up:] else: t_jitt = temp_up temp_down = t_jitt[:, ::upsample] template_jitter[tp, n] = temp_down if templates_jitter is None: return template_jitter else: templates_jitter[i] = template_jitter def _pad_parallel(i, template, pad_samples, drifting, verbose, templates_pad): """ Pads one template on both ends. Parameters ---------- template : np.array Array with templates (n_channels, n_samples) or (n_drift n_channels, n_samples) if drifting pad_samples : list List of 2 ints with number of samples for padding before and after drifting : bool If True templates are assumed to be drifting verbose : bool If True output is verbose Returns ------- template_pad : np.array Array with padded template (n_channels, n_padded_sample) or (n_drift, n_channels, n_padded_sample) if drifting """ if not drifting: tem_pad = cubic_padding(template, pad_samples) else: if verbose: print("Padding edges: neuron ", i) padded_template_samples = template.shape[-1] + np.sum(pad_samples) tem_pad = np.zeros((template.shape[0], template.shape[1], padded_template_samples)) for tp, tem_p in enumerate(template): tem_pad[tp] = cubic_padding(tem_p, pad_samples) if templates_pad is None: return tem_pad else: templates_pad[i] = tem_pad def _annotate_parallel(i, st_i, spiketrains, t_jitt, overlapping_pairs, verbose): """ Helper function to annotate spike trains in parallel. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of spike train st_i : neo.SpikeTrain Spike train to be processed spiketrains : list List of neo spiketrains t_jitt : Quantity Time jitter to consider overlapping spikes in time (default 1 ms) overlapping_pairs : np.array Array with overlapping information between spike trains (n_spiketrains, 2) verbose : bool If True output is verbose """ if verbose: print("Annotating overlapping spike train ", i) over = np.array(["NONE"] * len(st_i)) for i_sp, t_i in enumerate(st_i): for j, st_j in enumerate(spiketrains): if i != j: # find overlapping id_over = np.where((st_j > t_i - t_jitt) & (st_j < t_i + t_jitt))[0] if not np.any(overlapping_pairs): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" else: pair = [i, j] pair_i = [j, i] if np.any([np.all(pair == p) for p in overlapping_pairs]) or np.any( [np.all(pair_i == p) for p in overlapping_pairs] ): if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "STO" else: if len(id_over) != 0: over[i_sp] = "TO" over[over == "NONE"] = "NO" st_i.annotate(overlap=over) return st_i