Source code for MEArec.simulate_cells

Test implementation using cell models of the Blue Brain Project with LFPy.
The example assumes that cell models available from are unzipped in the folder 'cell_models'

The function compile_all_mechanisms must be run once before any cell simulation

import os
import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path

import MEAutility as mu
import numpy as np
from packaging.version import parse

from import safe_yaml_load

def import_LFPy_neuron():
        import LFPy
        raise ModuleNotFoundError("LFPy is not installed. Install it with 'pip install LFPy'")

        # disable DISPLAY for subprocess
        # print("Disabling display")
        # os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ""
        import neuron
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "NEURON is not installed. Install it from"

    if parse(LFPy.__version__) < parse("2.2"):
        raise ImportError("LFPy version must be >= 2.2. To use a previous LFPy version, downgrade MEArec to <= 1.4.1")

    return LFPy, neuron

def get_templatename(f):
    Assess from hoc file the templatename being specified within

    f : file, mode 'r'

    templatename : str

    templatename = None
    f = open("template.hoc", "r")
    for line in f.readlines():
        if "begintemplate" in line.split():
            templatename = line.split()[-1]
    return templatename

def compile_all_mechanisms(cell_folder, verbose=False):
    """Attempt to set up a folder with all unique mechanism *.mod files and
        compile them all. assumes all cell models are in a folder 'cell_models'

    cell_folder : str
        Path to cell folder
    cell_folder = Path(cell_folder)
    mod_folder = cell_folder / "mods"
    mod_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    neurons = [f for f in cell_folder.iterdir() if "mods" not in str(f) and not".")]

    if verbose >= 1:

    for neuron in neurons:
        for nmodl in (neuron / "mechanisms").iterdir():
            if nmodl.suffix == ".mod":
                while not (cell_folder / "mods" /[-1]).is_file():
                    if sys.platform == "win32":
                        _command = "copy"
                        _command = "cp"
                    if verbose >= 1:
                        print(f"{_command} {nmodl} {cell_folder / 'mods'}")
                    os.system(f"{_command} {nmodl} {cell_folder / 'mods'}")
    starting_dir = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(str(cell_folder / "mods"))

[docs]def return_bbp_cell(cell_folder, end_T, dt, start_T, verbose=0): """Function to load cell models Parameters ---------- cell_folder : string Path to folder with the BBP cell model end_T : float Simulation length [ms] dt: float Time step of simulation [ms] start_T: float Simulation start time (recording starts at 0 ms) Returns ------- cell : object LFPy cell object """ LFPy, neuron = import_LFPy_neuron() neuron.h.load_file("stdrun.hoc") neuron.h.load_file("import3d.hoc") cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cell_folder) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Simulating {cell_folder}") neuron.load_mechanisms(str(Path(cell_folder).parent / "mods")) f = open("template.hoc", "r") templatename = get_templatename(f) f.close() f = open("biophysics.hoc", "r") biophysics = get_templatename(f) f.close() f = open("morphology.hoc", "r") morphology = get_templatename(f) f.close() # get synapses template name synapses_file = str(Path("synapses") / "synapses.hoc") f = open(synapses_file, "r") synapses = get_templatename(f) f.close() neuron.h.load_file("constants.hoc") if not hasattr(neuron.h, morphology): neuron.h.load_file(1, "morphology.hoc") if not hasattr(neuron.h, biophysics): neuron.h.load_file(1, "biophysics.hoc") if not hasattr(neuron.h, synapses): # load synapses neuron.h.load_file(1, synapses_file) if not hasattr(neuron.h, templatename): neuron.h.load_file(1, "template.hoc") morphologyfile = [f for f in Path("morphology").iterdir()][0] # Instantiate the cell(s) using LFPy cell = LFPy.TemplateCell( morphology=str(morphologyfile), templatefile=str(Path("template.hoc").absolute()), templatename=templatename, templateargs=0, tstop=end_T, tstart=start_T, dt=dt, v_init=-70, pt3d=True, delete_sections=True, verbose=True, ) os.chdir(cwd) return cell
[docs]def return_bbp_cell_morphology(cell_name, cell_folder, pt3d=False): """Function to load cell models Parameters ---------- cell_name : string Name of the cell type. cell_folder : string Folder containing cell models. pt3d : bool If True detailed 3d morphology is used Returns ------- cell : object LFPy cell object """ LFPy, neuron = import_LFPy_neuron() cell_folder = Path(cell_folder) if not (cell_folder / cell_name).is_dir(): raise NotImplementedError(f"Cell model {cell_name} is not found in {cell_folder}") morphology_files = [f for f in (cell_folder / cell_name / "morphology").iterdir()] if len(morphology_files) > 1: raise Exception(f"More than 1 morphology file found for cell {cell_name}") morphology = morphology_files[0] cell = LFPy.Cell(morphology=str(morphology), pt3d=pt3d) return cell
def find_spike_idxs(v, thresh=-30, find_max=30): """Find spike indices Parameters ---------- v: array_like Membrane potential thresh: float (optional, default = -30) Threshold for spike detections find_max: int Number of sample to find spike maximum after detection crossing Returns ------- spikes : array_like Indices of spike peaks in the positive direction, i.e. spikes """ spikes_th = [idx for idx in range(len(v) - 1) if v[idx] < thresh < v[idx + 1]] spikes = [] for sp in spikes_th: max_idx = np.argmax(v[sp : sp + find_max]) spikes.append(sp + max_idx) return spikes def set_input(weight, dt, T, cell, delay, stim_length): """Set current input synapse in soma Parameters ---------- weight : float Strength of input current [nA] dt : float Time step of simulation [ms] T : float Total simulation time [ms] cell : object Cell object from LFPy delay : float Delay for input,i.e. when to start the input [ms] stim_length: float Duration of injected current [ms] Returns ------- noiseVec : NEURON vector NEURON vector of input current cell : object LFPy cell object synapse : NEURON synapse NEURON synapse object """ import neuron tot_ntsteps = int(round(T / dt + 1)) I = np.ones(tot_ntsteps) * weight # I[stim_idxs] = weight noiseVec = neuron.h.Vector(I) syn = None for sec in cell.allseclist: if "soma" in # syn = neuron.h.ISyn(0.5, sec=sec) syn = neuron.h.IClamp(0.5, sec=sec) syn.dur = stim_length syn.delay = delay # cell.tstartms, dt) return noiseVec, cell, syn
[docs]def run_cell_model( cell_model_folder, verbose=False, sim_folder=None, save=True, custom_return_cell_function=None, **kwargs ): """ Run simulation and adjust input strength to have a certain number of spikes (target_spikes[0] < num_spikes <= target_spikes[1] where target_spikes=[10,30] by default) Parameters ---------- cell_model_folder : string Path to folder where cell model is saved. verbose : int If 1, output is verbose save : bool If True, currents and membrane potentials are saved in 'sim_folder'. If False the function returns the simulated cell, the soma potentials of the spikes, and the transmembrane currents of the spikes sim_folder : string Data directory for transmembrane currents and membrane potential of the neuron. custom_return_cell_function : function Python function to to return an LFPy cell from the cell_model_folder **kwargs : keyword arguments Kwargs must include: 'sim_time', 'dt', 'delay', 'weights', 'target_spikes', 'cut_out', 'seed' Returns ------- cell : object LFPy cell object (if save is False) v : np.array Array (N_spikes x t) with soma membrane potential (if save is False) i : np.array Array (N_spikes x N_compartments x t) with transmembrane currents (if save is False) """ cell_name = Path(cell_model_folder).parts[-1] if sim_folder is not None: sim_folder = Path(sim_folder) if custom_return_cell_function is None: return_function = return_bbp_cell else: return_function = custom_return_cell_function intra_params = kwargs if save: assert sim_folder is not None, "Specify 'save_sim_folder' argument!" sim_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) imem_names = [ for f in sim_folder.iterdir() if "imem" in] vmem_names = [ for f in sim_folder.iterdir() if "vmem" in] else: imem_names = [] vmem_names = [] if not ( np.any([cell_name in iname for iname in imem_names]) and np.any([cell_name in vname for vname in vmem_names]) ): np.random.seed(intra_params["seed"]) T = intra_params["sim_time"] * 1000 dt = intra_params["dt"] cell = return_function(cell_model_folder, end_T=T, dt=dt, start_T=0) delay = intra_params["delay"] stim_length = T - delay weights = intra_params["weights"] weight = weights[0] target_spikes = intra_params["target_spikes"] cuts = intra_params["cut_out"] cut_out = [int(cuts[0] / dt), int(cuts[1] / dt)] num_spikes = 0 i = 0 while not target_spikes[0] < num_spikes <= target_spikes[1]: noiseVec, cell, syn = set_input(weight, dt, T, cell, delay, stim_length) cell.simulate(rec_imem=True) t = cell.tvec v = cell.somav t = t v = v spikes = find_spike_idxs(v[cut_out[0] : -cut_out[1]]) spikes = list(np.array(spikes) + cut_out[0]) num_spikes = len(spikes) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Input weight: {weight} - Num Spikes: {num_spikes}") if num_spikes >= target_spikes[1]: weight *= weights[0] elif num_spikes <= target_spikes[0]: weight *= weights[1] i += 1 if i >= 10: sys.exit() t = t[0 : (cut_out[0] + cut_out[1])] - t[cut_out[0]] # discard first spike i_spikes = np.zeros((num_spikes - 1, cell.totnsegs, len(t))) v_spikes = np.zeros((num_spikes - 1, len(t))) for idx, spike_idx in enumerate(spikes[1:]): spike_idx = int(spike_idx) v_spike = v[spike_idx - cut_out[0] : spike_idx + cut_out[1]] i_spike = cell.imem[:, spike_idx - cut_out[0] : spike_idx + cut_out[1]] i_spikes[idx, :, :] = i_spike v_spikes[idx, :] = v_spike if save: / f"imem_{num_spikes - 1}_{cell_name}.npy"), i_spikes) / f"vmem_{num_spikes - 1}_{cell_name}.npy"), v_spikes) else: return cell, v_spikes, i_spikes else: if verbose >= 1: print("\n\n\nCell has already be simulated. Using stored membrane currents\n\n\n")
[docs]def calculate_extracellular_potential(cell, mea, ncontacts=10, position=None, rotation=None): """ Calculates extracellular signal in uV on MEA object. Parameters ---------- cell : LFPy Cell The simulated cell mea : MEA, str, or dict Mea object from MEAutility, string with probe name, or dict with probe info Returns ------- v_ext : np.array Extracellular potential computed on the electrodes (n_elec, n_timestamps) """ LFPy, neuron = import_LFPy_neuron() if isinstance(mea, str): mea_obj = mu.return_mea(mea) elif isinstance(mea, dict): mea_obj = mu.return_mea(info=mea) elif isinstance(mea, mu.core.MEA): mea_obj = mea else: raise Exception("") if ncontacts > 1: electrodes = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, probe=mea_obj, n=ncontacts) else: electrodes = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, probe=mea_obj) if position is not None: assert len(position) == 3, "'position' should be a 3d array" cell.set_pos(position[0], position[1], position[2]) if rotation is not None: assert len(rotation) == 3, "'rotation' should be a 3d array" cell.set_rotation(x=rotation[0], y=rotation[1], z=rotation[2]) lfp = electrodes.get_transformation_matrix() @ cell.imem # Reverse rotation to bring cell back into initial rotation state if rotation is not None: rev_rot = [-r for r in rotation] cell.set_rotation(rev_rot[0], rev_rot[1], rev_rot[2], rotation_order="zyx") return 1000 * lfp
def calc_extracellular( i, cell_model_folder, load_sim_folder, save_sim_folder=None, seed=0, verbose=0, position=None, custom_return_cell_function=None, cell_locations=None, cell_rotations=None, save=True, max_iterations=1000, timeout=300, **kwargs, ): """ Loads data from previous cell simulation, and use results to generate arbitrary number of spikes above a certain noise level. Parameters ---------- i: int Index of cell model cell_model_folder : string Path to folder where cell model is saved. model_type : string Cell model type (e.g. 'bbp') load_sim_folder : string Path to folder from which NEURON simulation results (currents, membrane potential) are loaded save_sim_folder : string Path to folder where to save EAP data position : array 3D position of the soma (optional, default is None and the cell is randomly located within specified limits) custom_return_cell_function : function Python function to to return an LFPy cell from the cell_model_folder save : bool If True eaps are saved in the 'save_sim_folder'. If False eaps, positions, and rotations are returned as arrays cell_locations: np.array or None If passed, the passed locations are used (instead of random generation) cell_rotations: np.array or None If passed, the passed rotations are used (instead of random generation). Must be set if cell_locations is not None timeout : int Set the timeout in seconds for finding spikes over min_amp. Default 300 max_iterations : int Set the maximum number of iterations for finding spikes over min_amp. Default 1000 **kwargs: keyword arguments Template generation parameters (use mr.get_default_template_parameters() to retrieve the arguments) """ LFPy, neuron = import_LFPy_neuron() for sec in neuron.h.allsec(): neuron.h("%s{delete_section()}" % cell_model_folder = Path(cell_model_folder) cell_name =[-1] cell_save_name = cell_name load_sim_folder = Path(load_sim_folder) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Seed = {seed + i}") np.random.seed(seed + i) T = kwargs["sim_time"] * 1000 dt = kwargs["dt"] rotation = kwargs["rot"] nobs = kwargs["n"] ncontacts = kwargs["ncontacts"] overhang = kwargs["overhang"] x_lim = kwargs["xlim"] y_lim = kwargs["ylim"] z_lim = kwargs["zlim"] x_distr = kwargs["x_distr"] beta_distr_params = kwargs["beta_distr_params"] min_amp = kwargs["min_amp"] check_shape = kwargs["check_eap_shape"] MEAname = kwargs["probe"] drifting = kwargs["drifting"] if drifting: max_drift = kwargs["max_drift"] min_drift = kwargs["min_drift"] drift_steps = kwargs["drift_steps"] drift_x_lim = kwargs["drift_xlim"] drift_y_lim = kwargs["drift_ylim"] drift_z_lim = kwargs["drift_zlim"] check_for_drift_amp = kwargs["check_for_drift_amp"] drift_within_bounds = kwargs["drift_within_bounds"] if "timeout" in kwargs: timeout = kwargs.get("timeout") if "max_iterations" in kwargs: max_iterations = kwargs.get("max_iterations") if custom_return_cell_function is None: return_function = return_bbp_cell model_type = "bbp" else: return_function = custom_return_cell_function model_type = "custom" cuts = kwargs["cut_out"] cut_out = [int(cuts[0] / dt), int(cuts[1] / dt)] cell = return_function(cell_model_folder, end_T=T, dt=dt, start_T=0) # Load data from previous cell simulation imem_file = [f for f in load_sim_folder.iterdir() if cell_name in and "imem" in][0] vmem_file = [f for f in load_sim_folder.iterdir() if cell_name in and "vmem" in][0] i_spikes = np.load(str(imem_file)) v_spikes = np.load(str(vmem_file)) cell.tvec = np.arange(i_spikes.shape[-1]) * dt saved_eaps = [] saved_positions = [] saved_rotations = [] target_num_spikes = int(nobs) # load MEA info elinfo = mu.return_mea_info(electrode_name=MEAname) # Create save folder if save: assert save_sim_folder is not None, "Specify 'save_sim_folder' argument!" save_sim_folder = Path(save_sim_folder) sim_folder = save_sim_folder / rotation save_folder = sim_folder / f"tmp_{target_num_spikes}_{MEAname}" save_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Cell {cell_save_name} extracellular spikes to be simulated") mea = mu.return_mea(MEAname) if ncontacts > 1: electrodes = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, probe=mea, n=ncontacts) else: electrodes = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, probe=mea) pos = mea.positions elec_x = pos[:, 0] elec_y = pos[:, 1] elec_z = pos[:, 2] if x_lim is None: x_lim = [float(np.min(elec_x) - overhang), float(np.max(elec_x) + overhang)] if y_lim is None: y_lim = [float(np.min(elec_y) - overhang), float(np.max(elec_y) + overhang)] if z_lim is None: z_lim = [float(np.min(elec_z) - overhang), float(np.max(elec_z) + overhang)] # pre-simulate positions n_rand_positions = int(target_num_spikes * 1e5) print(f"Pre-generating {n_rand_positions} random positions") if x_distr == "uniform": x_rands = np.random.uniform(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], n_rand_positions) else: x_rands = x_lim[0] + np.random.beta(beta_distr_params[0], beta_distr_params[1], n_rand_positions) * ( x_lim[1] - x_lim[0] ) y_rands = np.random.uniform(y_lim[0], y_lim[1], n_rand_positions) z_rands = np.random.uniform(z_lim[0], z_lim[1], n_rand_positions) saved = 0 i = 0 tested_loc_idx = 0 saved_amplitudes = [] if cell_locations is not None: assert cell_rotations is not None, "If 'cell_locations' is not None, 'cell_rotations' should be given" if cell_locations is None: start_time = time.time() while len(saved_eaps) < target_num_spikes and tested_loc_idx < n_rand_positions: if i > max_iterations * target_num_spikes: if verbose >= 1: print(f"Gave up finding spikes above noise level for {cell_name}") break # Each cell has several spikes to choose from spike_idx = np.random.randint(0, i_spikes.shape[0]) cell.imem = i_spikes[spike_idx, :, :] cell.somav = v_spikes[spike_idx, :] tested_pos = [x_rands[tested_loc_idx], y_rands[tested_loc_idx], z_rands[tested_loc_idx]] espikes, pos, rot, found_position = return_extracellular_spike( cell=cell, cell_name=cell_name, model_type=model_type, electrodes=electrodes, limits=[x_lim, y_lim, z_lim], rotation=rotation, saved_pos=saved_positions, pos=tested_pos, verbose=False, ) tested_loc_idx += 1 if not found_position: continue # Method of Images for semi-infinite planes if elinfo["type"] == "mea": espikes = espikes * 2 if not drifting: if check_espike(espikes, min_amp, check_shape): skip = skip_duplicate(pos, saved_positions, drifting, verbose) if skip: continue espikes = center_espike(espikes, cut_out) saved_eaps.append(espikes) saved_positions.append(pos) saved_rotations.append(rot) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Cell: {cell_name} Progress: [{len(saved_eaps)}/{target_num_spikes}]") saved += 1 else: if check_espike(espikes, min_amp, check_shape): if verbose >= 2: print("template amplitude:", np.round(np.abs(np.min(espikes)), 1)) drift_ok = False # fix rotation while drifting cell.set_rotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]) max_trials = 100 tr = 0 while not drift_ok and tr < max_trials: init_pos = pos # find drifting final position within drift limits x_rand = np.random.uniform(init_pos[0] + drift_x_lim[0], init_pos[0] + drift_x_lim[1]) y_rand = np.random.uniform(init_pos[1] + drift_y_lim[0], init_pos[1] + drift_y_lim[1]) z_rand = np.random.uniform(init_pos[2] + drift_z_lim[0], init_pos[2] + drift_z_lim[1]) final_pos = [x_rand, y_rand, z_rand] drift_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(init_pos) - np.array(final_pos)) # check location and boundaries if drift_within_bounds: if not ( x_lim[0] < x_rand < x_lim[1] and y_lim[0] < y_rand < y_lim[1] and z_lim[0] < z_rand < z_lim[1] ): if verbose == 2: print(f"Discarded for final drift position {cell_name}") tr += 1 continue if max_drift >= drift_dist >= min_drift: if check_for_drift_amp: # check final position spike amplitude espikes, pos, rot_, found_position = return_extracellular_spike( cell=cell, cell_name=cell_name, model_type=model_type, electrodes=electrodes, limits=[x_lim, y_lim, z_lim], rotation=None, saved_pos=saved_positions, pos=final_pos, ) if not found_position: continue # Method of Images for semi-infinite planes if elinfo["type"] == "mea": espikes = espikes * 2 if check_espike(espikes, min_amp, check_shape): if verbose == 2: print("Found final drifting position") drift_ok = True else: tr += 1 if verbose == 2: print(f"Discarded for final drift amplitude {cell_name}") continue else: drift_ok = True else: tr += 1 if verbose == 2: print(f"Discarded for drift distance {cell_name}") # now compute drifting templates if drift_ok: drift_spikes = [] drift_pos = [] drift_dir = np.array(final_pos) - np.array(init_pos) for i, dp in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, drift_steps)): pos_drift = init_pos + dp * drift_dir espikes, pos, r_, found_position = return_extracellular_spike( cell=cell, cell_name=cell_name, model_type=model_type, electrodes=electrodes, limits=[x_lim, y_lim, z_lim], rotation=None, saved_pos=saved_positions, pos=pos_drift, ) if not found_position: continue # Method of Images for semi-infinite planes if elinfo["type"] == "mea": espikes = espikes * 2 espikes = center_espike(espikes, cut_out) drift_spikes.append(espikes) drift_pos.append(pos) # reverse rotation rev_rot = [-r for r in rot] cell.set_rotation(rev_rot[0], rev_rot[1], rev_rot[2], rotation_order="zyx") drift_spikes = np.array(drift_spikes) drift_pos = np.array(drift_pos) if verbose == 2: print( f"Drift done from {np.round(init_pos, 1)} to {np.round(final_pos, 1)} um" f" with {drift_steps} steps" ) amp = np.round(np.max(np.abs(drift_spikes[0])), 3) saved_amplitudes.append(amp) saved_eaps.append(drift_spikes) saved_positions.append(drift_pos) saved_rotations.append(rot) if verbose >= 1: print(f"Cell: {cell_name} Progress: [{len(saved_eaps)}/{target_num_spikes}]") saved += 1 else: if verbose == 2: print(f"Discarded for trials {cell_name}") else: if verbose == 2: print(f"Discarded for minimum amp {cell_name}") pass i += 1 if timeout is not None: if time.time() - start_time > timeout: if verbose >= 1: print(f"Timeout finding spikes above noise level for " f"{cell_name}, more than {timeout}") break else: target_num_spikes = len(cell_locations) for loc, rot in zip(cell_locations, cell_rotations): # Each cell has several spikes to choose from spike_idx = np.random.randint(0, i_spikes.shape[0]) cell.imem = i_spikes[spike_idx, :, :] cell.somav = v_spikes[spike_idx, :] cell.set_rotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]) if not drifting: if loc.ndim == 1: pos = loc elif loc.ndim == 1: # take first drifting location pos = loc[0] espikes, pos_, rot_, found_position = return_extracellular_spike( cell=cell, cell_name=cell_name, model_type=model_type, electrodes=electrodes, limits=[x_lim, y_lim, z_lim], rotation=None, saved_pos=saved_positions, pos=pos, ) if not found_position: continue # Method of Images for semi-infinite planes if elinfo["type"] == "mea": espikes = espikes * 2 espikes = center_espike(espikes, cut_out) saved_eaps.append(espikes) saved_positions.append(pos) saved_rotations.append(rot) else: assert loc.ndim == 2 drift_spikes = [] for pos_drift in loc: espikes, pos, r_, found_position = return_extracellular_spike( cell=cell, cell_name=cell_name, model_type=model_type, electrodes=electrodes, limits=[x_lim, y_lim, z_lim], rotation=None, saved_pos=saved_positions, pos=pos_drift, ) if not found_position: continue # Method of Images for semi-infinite planes if elinfo["type"] == "mea": espikes = espikes * 2 espikes = center_espike(espikes, cut_out) drift_spikes.append(espikes) saved_eaps.append(drift_spikes) saved_positions.append(loc) saved_rotations.append(rot) # reverse rotation rev_rot = [-r for r in rot] cell.set_rotation(rev_rot[0], rev_rot[1], rev_rot[2], rotation_order="zyx") if verbose >= 1: print(f"Cell: {cell_name} Progress: [{len(saved_eaps)}/{target_num_spikes}]") saved += 1 else: pass if verbose >= 1: print(f"Done generating EAPs for {cell_name}") saved_eaps = np.array(saved_eaps, dtype=np.float32) saved_positions = np.array(saved_positions) saved_rotations = np.array(saved_rotations) if save: / f"eap-{cell_save_name}"), saved_eaps) / f"pos-{cell_save_name}"), saved_positions) / f"rot-{cell_save_name}"), saved_rotations) else: return saved_eaps, saved_positions, saved_rotations def check_espike(espikes, min_amp, check_shape=True): """ Check extracellular spike amplitude and shape (neg peak > pos peak) Parameters ---------- espike: np.array EAP (n_elec, n_samples) min_amp: float Minimum amplitude check_shape: bool If True, it checks that the minimum peak is larger than the maximum peak Returns ------- valid: bool If True EAP is valid """ if np.abs(np.min(espikes)) < min_amp: return False elif check_shape and np.abs(np.min(espikes)) < np.abs(np.max(espikes)): return False else: return True def center_espike(espike, cut_out_samples, tol=1): """ Centers extracellular spike if the peak is not aligned. Parameters ---------- espike : np.array EAP (n_elec, n_samples) cut_out_samples : list Samples before and after the peak tol : int Tolerance in number of samples Returns ------- espike_centered: np.array Centered EAP (n_elec, n_samples) """ expexted_peak = cut_out_samples[0] peak_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(espike), espike.shape)[1] if np.abs(expexted_peak - peak_idx) >= tol: if expexted_peak - peak_idx < 0: diff = peak_idx - expexted_peak cent_espike = np.zeros_like(espike) cent_espike[:, :-diff] = espike[:, diff:] cent_espike[:, -diff:] = np.tile(espike[:, -1, np.newaxis], [1, diff]) elif expexted_peak - peak_idx > 0: diff = expexted_peak - peak_idx cent_espike = np.zeros_like(espike) cent_espike[:, diff:] = espike[:, :-diff] cent_espike[:, :diff] = np.tile(espike[:, 0, np.newaxis], [1, diff]) else: cent_espike = espike cent_peak_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(cent_espike), cent_espike.shape)[1] assert np.abs(expexted_peak - cent_peak_idx) < tol, "Something went wrong in centering the spike" return cent_espike def skip_duplicate(pos, saved_positions, drifting, verbose=False): """ Checks if a position has to be skipped because already used. Parameters ---------- pos: 3d array The position to be tested saved_positions: list The list of 3d positions already saved drifting: bool Whether templates are drifting or not verbose: bool If True, the output is verbose Returns ------- skip_duplicate: bool If True, the position should be skipped because it's a duplicate """ skip_pos = False if len(saved_positions) > 0: for pos_s in saved_positions: if not drifting: test_pos = pos_s else: test_pos = pos_s[0] if np.all(np.round(test_pos, 2) == np.round(pos, 2)): if verbose >= 2: print(f"Duplicated position: {np.round(pos, 2)} -- {np.round(pos_s, 2)}. Skipping") skip_pos = True return skip_pos def get_physrot_specs(cell_name, model): """Return physrot specifications for cell types Parameters ----------- cell_name : string The name of the cell. Returns -------- polarlim : array_like lower and upper bound for the polar angle pref_orient : array_like 3-dim vetor of preferred orientation """ if model == "bbp": polarlim = { "BP": [0.0, 15.0], "AC": None, "BTC": None, # [0.,15.], "ChC": None, # [0.,15.], "DBC": None, # [0.,15.], "LBC": None, # [0.,15.], "MC": [0.0, 15.0], "NBC": None, "NGC": None, "SBC": None, "PC": [0.0, 15.0], "SS": [0.0, 15.0], "SP": [0.0, 15.0], } # how it's implemented, the NMC y axis points into the pref_orient direction after rotation pref_orient = { "BP": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "AC": None, "BTC": None, # [0.,0.,1.], "ChC": None, # [0.,0.,1.], "DBC": None, # [0.,0.,1.], "LBC": None, # [0.,0.,1.], "MC": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "NBC": None, "NGC": None, "SBC": None, "PC": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "SS": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "SP": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], } polar = None orient = None for k in polarlim.keys(): if k in cell_name.split("_")[1]: polar = polarlim[k] orient = pref_orient[k] break return polar, orient else: raise NotImplementedError("Cell model %s is not implemented" % model) def return_extracellular_spike( cell, cell_name, model_type, electrodes, limits, rotation, saved_pos, pos=None, max_iter=1000, verbose=False ): """ Calculate extracellular spike on MEA at random position relative to cell Parameters ---------- cell: LFPy.Cell cell object from LFPy cell_name: string name of cell model electrodes: LFPyRecExtElectrode The LFPy electrode object limits: array_like boundaries for neuron locations, shape=(3,2) rotation: string random rotation to apply to the neuron ('Norot', '3drot', 'physrot') saved_pos: np.array List of positions already used to be skipped pos: array_like, (optional, default None) Can be used to set the cell soma to a specific position. If ``None``, the random position is used. max_iter: int Max number of iterations to find a position that hasn't been used yet Returns ------- Extracellular spike for each MEA contact site """ def get_xyz_angles(R): """Get rotation angles for each axis from rotation matrix Parameters; ----------- R : matrix 3x3 rotation matrix Returns -------- R_z : float R_y : float R_x : float Three angles for rotations around axis, defined by R = R_z.R_y.R_x """ rot_x = np.arctan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2]) rot_y = np.arcsin(-R[2, 0]) rot_z = np.arctan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0]) return rot_x, rot_y, rot_z def get_rnd_rot_Arvo(): """Generate uniformly distributed random rotation matrices see: 'Fast Random Rotation Matrices' by Arvo (1992) Returns -------- R : 3x3 matrix random rotation matrix """ gamma = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0 * np.pi) rotation_z = np.array([[np.cos(gamma), -np.sin(gamma), 0], [np.sin(gamma), np.cos(gamma), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) x = np.random.uniform(size=2) v = np.array( [np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * x[0]) * np.sqrt(x[1]), np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * x[0]) * np.sqrt(x[1]), np.sqrt(1 - x[1])] ) H = np.identity(3) - 2.0 * np.outer(v, v) M =, rotation_z) return M def check_solidangle(matrix, pre, post, polarlim): """Check whether a matrix rotates the vector 'pre' into a region defined by 'polarlim' around the vector 'post' Parameters ----------- matrix : matrix 3x3 rotation matrix pre : array_like 3-dim vector to be rotated post : array_like axis of the cones defining the post-rotation region polarlim : [float,float] Angles specifying the opening of the inner and outer cone (aperture = 2*polarlim), i.e. the angle between rotated pre vector and post vector has to ly within these polar limits. Returns -------- test : bool True if the vector,pre) lies inside the specified region. """ postest =, pre) c = / np.linalg.norm(post), postest / np.linalg.norm(postest)) if np.cos(np.deg2rad(polarlim[1])) <= c <= np.cos(np.deg2rad(polarlim[0])): return True else: return False # rotate neuron if rotation == "norot": if model_type == "bbp": # orientate cells in z direction x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 else: x_rot_offset = 0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 x_rot = x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot_offset elif rotation == "xrot": if model_type == "bbp": # orientate cells in z direction x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 else: x_rot_offset = 0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 x_rot, _, _ = get_xyz_angles(np.array(get_rnd_rot_Arvo())) x_rot = x_rot + x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot_offset elif rotation == "yrot": if model_type == "bbp": # orientate cells in z direction x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 else: x_rot_offset = 0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 _, y_rot, _ = get_xyz_angles(np.array(get_rnd_rot_Arvo())) x_rot = x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot + y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot_offset elif rotation == "zrot": if model_type == "bbp": # orientate cells in z direction x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 else: x_rot_offset = 0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 _, _, z_rot = get_xyz_angles(np.array(get_rnd_rot_Arvo())) x_rot = x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot + z_rot_offset elif rotation == "3drot": if model_type == "bbp": x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 # align neuron with z axis y_rot_offset = 0 # align neuron with z axis z_rot_offset = 0 # align neuron with z axis else: x_rot_offset = 0 y_rot_offset = 0 z_rot_offset = 0 x_rot, y_rot, z_rot = get_xyz_angles(np.array(get_rnd_rot_Arvo())) x_rot = x_rot + x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot + y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot + z_rot_offset elif rotation == "physrot": polarlim, pref_orient = get_physrot_specs(cell_name, model_type) if model_type == "bbp": x_rot_offset = np.pi / 2.0 # align neuron with z axis y_rot_offset = 0 # align neuron with z axis z_rot_offset = 0 # align neuron with z axis else: raise NotImplementedError("'physrot' rotation is only available with BBP cells") while True: R = np.array(get_rnd_rot_Arvo()) if polarlim is None or pref_orient is None: valid = True else: valid = check_solidangle(R, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], pref_orient, polarlim) if valid: x_rot, y_rot, z_rot = get_xyz_angles(R) x_rot = x_rot + x_rot_offset y_rot = y_rot + y_rot_offset z_rot = z_rot + z_rot_offset break else: rotation = None x_rot = 0 y_rot = 0 z_rot = 0 if pos is None: """Move neuron randomly""" skip_dup = True iter = 0 x_rands = np.random.uniform(limits[0][0], limits[0][1], 1000) y_rands = np.random.uniform(limits[1][0], limits[1][1], 1000) z_rands = np.random.uniform(limits[2][0], limits[2][1], 1000) while skip_dup and iter < max_iter: x_rand = x_rands[iter] y_rand = y_rands[iter] z_rand = z_rands[iter] pos = [x_rand, y_rand, z_rand] skip_dup = skip_duplicate(pos, saved_pos, drifting=False, verbose=verbose) iter += 1 if iter == max_iter: found_position = False return None, None, None, found_position else: found_position = True cell.set_pos(x_rand, y_rand, z_rand) else: cell.set_pos(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) found_position = True cell.set_rotation(x=x_rot, y=y_rot, z=z_rot) rot = [x_rot, y_rot, z_rot] lfp = np.array(electrodes.get_transformation_matrix() @ cell.imem, dtype=np.float32) # Reverse rotation to bring cell back into initial rotation state if rotation is not None: rev_rot = [-r for r in rot] cell.set_rotation(rev_rot[0], rev_rot[1], rev_rot[2], rotation_order="zyx") return 1e3 * lfp, pos, rot, found_position def str2bool(v): """Transform string to bool Parameters ----------- v : str Returns -------- transformed_v, bool If v is any of ("yes", "true", "t", "1") (case insensitive) ``True`` is returned, else ``False`` """ return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") def simulate_templates_one_cell(cell_model, intra_save_folder, params, verbose, custom_return_cell_function=None): """ Parameters ---------- cell_model intra_save_folder params verbose custom_return_cell_function Returns ------- """ run_cell_model( cell_model, save=True, sim_folder=intra_save_folder, verbose=verbose, custom_return_cell_function=custom_return_cell_function, **params, ) print(f"Extracellular simulation: {cell_model}") eaps, locs, rots = calc_extracellular( 0, cell_model, intra_save_folder, verbose=verbose, save=False, custom_return_cell_function=custom_return_cell_function, **params, ) return eaps, locs, rots def compile_models(cell_folder): compile_all_mechanisms(cell_folder) print(f"Compiled all cell models in {cell_folder}") def compute_eap_for_cell_model(i, cell_model, params_path, intraonly=False, verbose=False): params = safe_yaml_load(params_path) extra_sim_folder = Path(params["templates_folder"]) vm_im_sim_folder = Path(params["templates_folder"]) / "intracellular" print(f"Intracellular simulation: {cell_model}") run_cell_model(cell_model_folder=cell_model, save=True, sim_folder=vm_im_sim_folder, verbose=verbose, **params) if not intraonly: print(f"Extracellular simulation: {cell_model}") calc_extracellular( i, cell_model_folder=cell_model, save_sim_folder=extra_sim_folder, load_sim_folder=vm_im_sim_folder, verbose=verbose, **params, ) def compute_eap_based_on_tempgen(cell_folder, params_path, tempgen, intraonly=False, verbose=False): params = safe_yaml_load(params_path) extra_sim_folder = params["templates_folder"] vm_im_sim_folder = str(Path(params["templates_folder"]) / "intracellular") celltypes = np.unique(tempgen.celltypes) for celltype in celltypes: celltype_idxs = np.where(tempgen.celltypes == celltype) if np.any(np.diff(celltype_idxs) != 1): raise NotImplementedError("Cell types in the template generator must be contiguous.") # print(f'Intracellular simulation: {cell_model}') for i, celltype in enumerate(celltypes): cell_model = cell_folder / celltype run_cell_model(cell_model_folder=cell_model, sim_folder=vm_im_sim_folder, verbose=verbose, **params) celltype_idxs = np.where(tempgen.celltypes == celltype) cell_locations = tempgen.locations[celltype_idxs] cell_rotations = tempgen.rotations[celltype_idxs] if not intraonly: print(f"Extracellular simulation: {cell_model}") calc_extracellular( i, cell_model_folder=cell_model, save_sim_folder=extra_sim_folder, load_sim_folder=vm_im_sim_folder, verbose=verbose, cell_locations=cell_locations, cell_rotations=cell_rotations, **params, ) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "compile": cell_folder = sys.argv[2] compile_all_mechanisms(cell_folder) sys.exit(0) elif len(sys.argv) == 6: i = int(sys.argv[1]) cell_model = sys.argv[2] intraonly = str2bool(sys.argv[3]) params_path = sys.argv[4] verbose = int(sys.argv[5]) compute_eap_for_cell_model(i, cell_model, params_path, intraonly=intraonly, verbose=verbose)