Source code for MEArec.generators.templategenerator

import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path

import MEAutility as mu
import numpy as np
import yaml
from joblib import Parallel, cpu_count, delayed
from packaging.version import parse

from ..simulate_cells import (compute_eap_based_on_tempgen,
from import (clean_dict_for_yaml, get_default_config, load_tmp_eap,

_intra_keys = ["sim_time", "target_spikes", "cut_out", "dt", "delay", "weights", "seed", "cell_models_folder"]

def simulate_cell_templates(i, simulate_script, tot, cell_model, model_folder, intraonly, params_path, verbose):
    model_folder = Path(model_folder)
    print(f"Starting simulation {i + 1}/{tot} - cell: {Path(cell_model).name}\n", flush=True)
    python = sys.executable
    if verbose:
        verbose = 1
        verbose = 0
    cmd = (
        f"{python} {simulate_script} {i} {str(model_folder / cell_model)} "
        f"{intraonly} {params_path.absolute()} {verbose}"

[docs]class TemplateGenerator: """ Class for generation of templates called by the gen_templates function. The list of parameters is in default_params/templates_params.yaml. Parameters ---------- cell_models_folder : str Path to folder containing Blue Brain Project cell models templates_folder : str Path to output template folder (if not in params) temp_dict : dict Dictionary to instantiate TemplateGenerator with existing data. It contains the following fields: - templates : float (n_templates, n_electrodes, n_timepoints) - locations : float (n_templates, 3) - rotations : float (n_templates, 3) - celltypes : str (n_templates) info : dict Info dictionary to instantiate TemplateGenerator with existing data. It contains the following fields: - params : dict with template generation parameters - electrodes : dict with probe info (from MEAutility.return_mea_info('probe-name')) tempgen : TemplateGenerator If a TemplateGenerator is passed, the cell types, locations, and rotations of the templates will be set using the provided templates params : dict Dictionary with parameters to simulate templates. Default values can be retrieved with mr.get_default_template_params() intraonly : bool If True, only intracellular simulations are performed parallel : bool If True, cell models are run in parallel recompile: bool If True, cell models are recompiled (suggested if new models are added) n_jobs: int If None, all cpus are used delete_tmp : bool If True, temporary files are removed verbose : bool If True, output is verbose """ def __init__( self, cell_models_folder=None, templates_folder=None, temp_dict=None, info=None, tempgen=None, params=None, intraonly=False, parallel=True, recompile=False, n_jobs=None, joblib_backend="loky", delete_tmp=True, verbose=False, ): self._verbose = verbose if temp_dict is not None and info is not None: if "templates" in temp_dict.keys(): self.templates = temp_dict["templates"] if "locations" in temp_dict.keys(): self.locations = temp_dict["locations"] if "rotations" in temp_dict.keys(): self.rotations = temp_dict["rotations"] if "celltypes" in temp_dict.keys(): self.celltypes = temp_dict["celltypes"] = info self.params = deepcopy(info) else: if cell_models_folder is None: raise AttributeError("Specify cell folder!") if params is None: if self._verbose: print("Using default parameters") self.params = {} else: self.params = deepcopy(params) self.cell_model_folder = Path(cell_models_folder).resolve() self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.joblib_backend = joblib_backend if templates_folder is not None: templates_folder = Path(templates_folder).resolve() self.templates_folder = templates_folder self.tempgen = tempgen self.simulation_params = { "intraonly": intraonly, "parallel": parallel, "delete_tmp": delete_tmp, "recompile": recompile, }
[docs] def generate_templates(self): """ Generate templates. """ cell_models_folder = self.cell_model_folder templates_folder = self.templates_folder intraonly = self.simulation_params["intraonly"] parallel = self.simulation_params["parallel"] recompile = self.simulation_params["recompile"] delete_tmp = self.simulation_params["delete_tmp"] if cell_models_folder.is_dir(): cell_models = [ f for f in cell_models_folder.iterdir() if "mods" not in and not".") ] if len(cell_models) == 0: raise AttributeError(cell_models_folder, " contains no cell models!") else: raise NotADirectoryError("Cell models folder: does not exist!") this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) simulate_script = str(Path(this_dir).parent / "") # Compile NEURON models (nrnivmodl) if not (cell_models_folder / "mods").is_dir() or recompile: if self._verbose: print("Compiling NEURON models") python = sys.executable os.system(f"{python} {simulate_script} compile {cell_models_folder}") # sort cell model names cell_models = np.array(cell_models)[np.argsort([ for f in cell_models])] if "sim_time" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["sim_time"] = 1 if "target_spikes" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["target_spikes"] = [3, 50] if "cut_out" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["cut_out"] = [2, 5] if "dt" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["dt"] = 2**-5 if "delay" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["delay"] = 10 if "weights" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["weights"] = [0.25, 1.75] if "rot" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["rot"] = "physrot" if "probe" not in self.params.keys(): available_mea = mu.return_mea_list() probe = available_mea[np.random.randint(len(available_mea))] if self._verbose: print("Probe randomly set to: %s" % probe) self.params["probe"] = probe if "ncontacts" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["ncontacts"] = 1 if "overhang" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["overhang"] = 1 if "xlim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["xlim"] = [10, 80] if "ylim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["ylim"] = None if "zlim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["zlim"] = None if "x_distr" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["x_distr"] = "uniform" if "beta_distr_params" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["beta_distr_params"] = [1.5, 5] if "offset" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["offset"] = 0 if "det_thresh" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["det_thresh"] = 30 if "n" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["n"] = 50 if "check_eap_shape" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["check_eap_shape"] = True if "min_amp" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["min_amp"] = 30 if "seed" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["seed"] = np.random.randint(1, 10000) elif self.params["seed"] is None: self.params["seed"] = np.random.randint(1, 10000) if templates_folder is None: info, _ = get_default_config() self.params["templates_folder"] = info["templates_folder"] templates_folder = Path(self.params["templates_folder"]) else: self.params["templates_folder"] = str(templates_folder) self.params["cell_models_folder"] = str(cell_models_folder) if "drifting" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drifting"] = False if "max_drift" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["max_drift"] = 100 if "min_drift" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["min_drift"] = 30 if "drift_steps" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drift_steps"] = 10 if "drift_xlim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drift_xlim"] = [-10, 10] if "drift_ylim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drift_ylim"] = [-10, 10] if "drift_zlim" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drift_zlim"] = [20, 80] if "check_for_drift_amp" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["check_for_drift_amp"] = False if "drift_within_bounds" not in self.params.keys(): self.params["drift_within_bounds"] = False rot = self.params["rot"] n = self.params["n"] probe = self.params["probe"] # check intra params intra_params = {k: v for k, v in self.params.items() if k in _intra_keys} # check params intracellular_folder = Path(self.params["templates_folder"]) / "intracellular" skip_existing_intracellular = check_intracellular_params(intracellular_folder, intra_params) if skip_existing_intracellular: if intracellular_folder.is_dir(): if self._verbose: print(f"Removing intracellular folder {intracellular_folder} because of intra parameter mismatch") shutil.rmtree(intracellular_folder) tmp_params_path = Path("tmp_params_path.yaml") with open(tmp_params_path, "w") as f: # alessio we did have bug here because some params are, numpy.bool # I did this fast debug but we need a way to convert then to standard float/int/bool # yaml.dump(self.params, f) yaml.dump(clean_dict_for_yaml(self.params), f) if self.tempgen is not None and parallel and self.n_jobs not in (0, 1): print( "\nWARNING: Generation of templates from a template generator is only supported without parallel " "processing. Setting parallel to False\n" ) parallel = False # Simulate neurons and EAP for different cell models separately if parallel and self.n_jobs not in (0, 1): start_time = time.time() tot = len(cell_models) if self.n_jobs is None: n_jobs = cpu_count() print(f"Setting n_jobs to {n_jobs} CPUs") else: n_jobs = self.n_jobs if self._verbose: print("Running with", n_jobs, "jobs") Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=self.joblib_backend)( delayed(simulate_cell_templates)( i, simulate_script, tot, cell_model, cell_models_folder, intraonly, tmp_params_path, self._verbose, ) for i, cell_model in enumerate(cell_models) ) else: start_time = time.time() if self.tempgen is None: for i, cell_model in enumerate(cell_models): if self._verbose: print(f"\n\n {cell_model} {i + 1}/{len(cell_models)}\n\n") compute_eap_for_cell_model( i, cell_model=cell_model, params_path=tmp_params_path, intraonly=intraonly, verbose=self._verbose, ) else: print("Using template generation info") compute_eap_based_on_tempgen( cell_folder=cell_models_folder, params_path=tmp_params_path, tempgen=self.tempgen, intraonly=intraonly, verbose=self._verbose, ) # save new intracellular params if skip_existing_intracellular: params_file = intracellular_folder / "intra_params.yaml" if params_file.is_file(): params_file.unlink() with"w") as f: yaml.dump(intra_params, f) if self._verbose: print(f"Saving new intracellular parameters in {params_file}") tmp_folder = Path(templates_folder) / rot / f"tmp_{n}_{probe}" if not Path(tmp_folder).is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{tmp_folder} not found. Something went wrong in the template generation phase.") print("Aggregating templates") templates, locations, rotations, celltypes = load_tmp_eap(tmp_folder) if delete_tmp: shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder) os.remove(tmp_params_path) = {} self.templates = templates self.locations = locations self.rotations = rotations self.celltypes = celltypes["params"] = self.params["electrodes"] = mu.return_mea_info(probe) print(f"\n\n\nSimulation time: {time.time() - start_time}\n\n\n")
def check_intracellular_params( vm_im_sim_folder, params, check_params=["dt", "cut_out", "cell_models_folder", "target_spikes"] ): skip_existing_intracellular = False if not vm_im_sim_folder.is_dir(): skip_existing_intracellular = True else: params_files = [f for f in Path(vm_im_sim_folder).iterdir() if "intra_params.yaml" in] if len(params_files) == 0: skip_existing_intracellular = True if len(params_files) == 1: params_file = params_files[0] existing_intra_params = safe_yaml_load(params_file) for param_key in check_params: if existing_intra_params[param_key] != params[param_key]: print(f"{param_key} is different!") skip_existing_intracellular = True return skip_existing_intracellular